Tser Pool Encampment Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Tser Pool Encampment

The road gradually disappears and is replaced by a twisted, muddy path through the trees. Deep ruts in the earth are evidence of the comings and goings of wagons. The canopy of mist and branches suddenly gives way to black clouds boiling far above. There is a clearing here, next to a river that widens to form a small lake several hundred feet across. Five colorful rount tents, each ten feet in diameter, are pitched outside a ring of four barrel-topped wagons. One much larger tent stands near the shore of the lake, lit from within. Near this tent, eight horses drink from the river. Several brightly clad figures with veiled faces and long braided hair sit singing around a bonfire. Children are playing, running in between the wagons and tents. Their voices are quiet but joyous. A footpath continues beyond this encampment, meandering north between the river the forest's edge.
  The eight draft horses drinking from the river are used to pull the Vistani wagons, and aren't easily startled.   Two Vistani scouts are keeping watching on the path leading into the camp. They do not allow in anyone who is not accompanied by a Vistana, or who has summons from Madame Eva. If the party are escorted by a Vistana, their escort remains in the camp and does not accompany them any further.   Twelve Vistani (eleven male and female Vistani and one Vistani scout) are gathered around the campfire, singing, telling stories, and relaxing. Thirteen Vistani children are playing in the camp, and are non-combatants with 1hp each. Three Vistani captains are resting in the wagons.   The Vistani in this camp are welcoming to any who are allowed to enter their camp. They will not attack or harass unless they are provoked. Otherwise, the players are offered wine and food, and invited to join around the campfire.   If the players are in a hurry to leave, a Vistana will urge them to see "the Madame," as she has been expecting them.  

Madame Eva's Tent

If the characters decide to see Madame Eva, read:  
Magic flames cast a warm golden glow over the interior of this tent, revealing many bedrolls arranged in a circle around the central pole. At the back of the tent is one lone bed. On the right is an old woman with a patch over one eye, sitting at a low table covered in a black velvet cloth. In front of her is a half-eaten plate of food, and to her left is a box of black wood.
  The old woman is Madame Eva. As they enter, she speaks the name of each party member, and seems to have prior knowledge of their origins and deeds. She will ask the players if they would like their fortune read. If they say yes, she pulls a deck of cards from the wooden box beside her, clears her dinner away, and reads for them the Fortunes of Ravenloft. If they do not want their fortunes read, simply do this reading in secret.   Madame Eva is the pillar of Vistani neutrality. She will give the players a reading, but she will offer no more assistance in their crusade against Strahd. She wishes to free the land of Barovia from its fate, but she knows she must remain out of it. She does nothing to anger Strahd, or call attention or harm to the Vistani. She neither gives aid, nor asks for any.  

Fortunes of Ravenloft

If the card reading reveals that there is a treasure here, it is in Madame Eva's possession. She will give it to the party after the reading, to "set them on their way."
Camp, Temporary
Location under
Characters in Location

Vistana CR: 1/4

Medium humanoid, any
Armor Class: 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points: 11 (2d8 + 2) 2d8+2
Speed: 30 ft


11 +0


12 +1


12 +1


10 +0


14 +2


10 +0

Skills: Initiative +5
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 1/4

Blessed Eye. All Vistani have a boosted Wisdom score of +3, and have the advantages of the Alert feat: they cannot be surprised while they are conscious, have a +5 to Initiative, and fighting an unseen attacker does not grant that attacker advantage. In addition, tall Vistani have access to the scry spell, which can be used once a day.   Curse. A Vistana, regardless of age, can use an action to utter a curse as repayment for a great injustice or slight. The curse targets another creature within 30 feet that the Vistana can see. The Vistana can't utter another curse before finishing a long rest.   The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the curse. The saving throw DC is 8 + the Vistana's proficiency bonus + the Vistana's Charisma modifier. The curse lasts until ended with a remove curse spell, a greater restoration spell, or similar magic. It does not end if the target dies. If the target dies and is returned to life, the curse remains in effect. If the curse ends, the Vistani takes psychic damage, which depends on the severity of the curse.   When the curse is cast, the Vistana chooses from the following effects. Other effects are possible.

  • The target is unable to perform a certain kind of action involving fine motor control, such as tying knots, writing, playing an instrument, or performing the somatic components of spells. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • A nonmagical item in the target's possession (chosen by the DM) disappears and cannot be found unless the curse ends. The lost item can weigh no more than 1 pound. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • The target gain vulnerability to one damage type of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target has disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws tied to one ability score of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target's attunement to one magic item (chosen by the DM) ends, and they cannot re-attune to the item unless the curse ends. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.
  • The target is blinded, deafened, or both. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.


Each Vistana uses one weapon. Choose from the options below:     Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) 1d6+1 slashing damage.   Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) 1d8+1 piercing damage.

These are your average Vistana. Due to their nomadic lifestyle through dangerous lands, they are all trained in combat to some degree.

Vistani Scout CR: 1

Medium humanoid, any
Armor Class: 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points: 16 (3d8 + 3) 3d8+3
Speed: 30 ft


11 +0


14 +2


12 +1


11 +0


16 +3


11 +0

Skills: Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5
Senses: passive Perception 16
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 1

Keen Senses (Hearing and Sight.) The scout has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.   Blessed Eye. All Vistani have a boosted Wisdom score of +3, and have the advantages of the Alert feat: they cannot be surprised while they are conscious, have a +5 to Initiative, and fighting an unseen attacker does not grant that attacker advantage. In addition, tall Vistani have access to the scry spell, which can be used once a day.   Curse. A Vistana, regardless of age, can use an action to utter a curse as repayment for a great injustice or slight. The curse targets another creature within 30 feet that the Vistana can see. The Vistana can't utter another curse before finishing a long rest.   The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the curse. The saving throw DC is 8 + the Vistana's proficiency bonus + the Vistana's Charisma modifier. The curse lasts until ended with a remove curse spell, a greater restoration spell, or similar magic. It does not end if the target dies. If the target dies and is returned to life, the curse remains in effect. If the curse ends, the Vistani takes psychic damage, which depends on the severity of the curse.   When the curse is cast, the Vistana chooses from the following effects. Other effects are possible.

  • The target is unable to perform a certain kind of action involving fine motor control, such as tying knots, writing, playing an instrument, or performing the somatic components of spells. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • A nonmagical item in the target's possession (chosen by the DM) disappears and cannot be found unless the curse ends. The lost item can weigh no more than 1 pound. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • The target gain vulnerability to one damage type of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target has disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws tied to one ability score of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target's attunement to one magic item (chosen by the DM) ends, and they cannot re-attune to the item unless the curse ends. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.
  • The target is blinded, deafened, or both. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.


Multiattack. The scout makes two ranged attacks or two melee attacks.   Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) 1d6+2 piercing damage.   Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d8 + 2) 1d8+2 piercing damage.

These are the guards, scouts, and hunters of the Vistani. They are more trained in combat, and tracking.

Vistani Captain CR: 2

Medium humanoid, any
Armor Class: 15 (studded armor)
Hit Points: 65 (10d8 + 20) 10d8+20
Speed: 30 ft


15 +2


16 +3


14 +2


14 +2


14 +2


14 +2

Saving Throws: Strength +4, Dexterity +5, Wisdom +2
Skills: Athletics +4, Survival +4
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 2

Blessed Eye. All Vistani have a boosted Wisdom score of +3, and have the advantages of the Alert feat: they cannot be surprised while they are conscious, have a +5 to Initiative, and fighting an unseen attacker does not grant that attacker advantage. In addition, tall Vistani have access to the scry spell, which can be used once a day.   Curse. A Vistana, regardless of age, can use an action to utter a curse as repayment for a great injustice or slight. The curse targets another creature within 30 feet that the Vistana can see. The Vistana can't utter another curse before finishing a long rest.   The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the curse. The saving throw DC is 8 + the Vistana's proficiency bonus + the Vistana's Charisma modifier. The curse lasts until ended with a remove curse spell, a greater restoration spell, or similar magic. It does not end if the target dies. If the target dies and is returned to life, the curse remains in effect. If the curse ends, the Vistani takes psychic damage, which depends on the severity of the curse.   When the curse is cast, the Vistana chooses from the following effects. Other effects are possible.

  • The target is unable to perform a certain kind of action involving fine motor control, such as tying knots, writing, playing an instrument, or performing the somatic components of spells. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • A nonmagical item in the target's possession (chosen by the DM) disappears and cannot be found unless the curse ends. The lost item can weigh no more than 1 pound. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • The target gain vulnerability to one damage type of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target has disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws tied to one ability score of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target's attunement to one magic item (chosen by the DM) ends, and they cannot re-attune to the item unless the curse ends. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.
  • The target is blinded, deafened, or both. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.


Multiattack. The captain makes three melee attacks: two with their scimitar and one with their dagger. Alternately, the captain can make two ranged attacks with their daggers.   Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) 1d6+3 slashing damage.   Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) 1d4+3 piercing damage.


Parry. The captain adds +2 to their AC against one melee attack that would hit. To do so, the captain must be wielding a melee weapon.

These are the leaders of the Vistani scouting parties and guards. They are the most cunning and well-trained of the Vistani combatants.

Madame Eva

Medium Human, Seer, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16) 16d8+16
Speed: 20 ft


( -1 )


( +0 )


( +1 )


( +3 )


( +6 )


( +4 )

Saving Throws Constitution +5
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +8, Insight +13, Intimidation +8, Perception +9, Religion +7
Senses passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Celestial
Challenge Rating 10
Proficiency Bonus +5


See Madame Eva article.


I wish for Strahd, and Barovia, to be free of this curse.


The Vistani are my people now, and I am devoted to their seeing god.


I am embittered against trusting or loving others, for I have seen many I love fall prey to the lure of power.

Madame Eva is a 16th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 19, +11 to his with spell attacks.) Madame Eva has the following cleric spells prepared:   Cantrips (at will): light, mending, sacred flame, thaumaturgy   1st level (4 slots): bane, command, detect evil and good, protection from evil and good   2bd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, protection from poison, spiritual weapon   3rd level (3 slots): create food and water, speak with dead, spirit guardian   4th level (3 slots): divination, freedom of movement, guardian of faith   5th level (2 slots): greater restoration, raise dead   6th level (1 slot): find the path, harm, true seeing   7th level (1 slot): fire storm, regenerate   8th level (1 slot): earthquake

Blessed Eye. All Vistani have a boosted Wisdom score of +3, and have the advantages of the Alert feat: they cannot be surprised while they are conscious, have a +5 to Initiative, and fighting an unseen attacker does not grant that attacker advantage. In addition, tall Vistani have access to the scry spell, which can be used once a day.   Curse. A Vistana, regardless of age, can use an action to utter a curse as repayment for a great injustice or slight. The curse targets another creature within 30 feet that the Vistana can see. The Vistana can't utter another curse before finishing a long rest.   The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the curse. The saving throw DC is 8 + the Vistana's proficiency bonus + the Vistana's Charisma modifier. The curse lasts until ended with a remove curse spell, a greater restoration spell, or similar magic. It does not end if the target dies. If the target dies and is returned to life, the curse remains in effect. If the curse ends, the Vistani takes psychic damage, which depends on the severity of the curse.   When the curse is cast, the Vistana chooses from the following effects. Other effects are possible.

  • The target is unable to perform a certain kind of action involving fine motor control, such as tying knots, writing, playing an instrument, or performing the somatic components of spells. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • A nonmagical item in the target's possession (chosen by the DM) disappears and cannot be found unless the curse ends. The lost item can weigh no more than 1 pound. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 1d6 psychic damage.
  • The target gain vulnerability to one damage type of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target has disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws tied to one ability score of the Vistana's choice. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 3d6 psychic damage.
  • The target's attunement to one magic item (chosen by the DM) ends, and they cannot re-attune to the item unless the curse ends. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.
  • The target is blinded, deafened, or both. If the curse ends, the Vistana takes 4d6 psychic damage.


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) [roll:1d4[ piercing damage.