The Courtyard in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Courtyard

Outside the massive doors is a large courtyard. The courtyard may have once been grand and beautiful, but it is now crumbling and decrepit. The ground is inlaid with grimy but obviously precious and beautiful stones. It is a very large area, as wide as the Tower itself. There is a large empty fountain at the center of the courtyard, and at the center of the fountain is a statue that has been smashed beyond recognition. All that remains are two sets of claws gripping the stone on each side of the fountain. There are three main paths leading out of this courtyard: the first, wide avenue goes forward, and leads back towards the Town. One stone path goes right and wraps around the side of the Tower towards a destination you can’t see. (On a DC 14 Perception check) One other path, not laid in stone but driven into the stone by many feet, leads left and into the forest.
There are three roads out of the courtyard: the first avenue goes down into Selanari , where a majority of the guards and staff live. It is blocked by a large iron gate that is guarded every hour of the day by two guards on each side.
Another stone path leads towards The Cathedral , and beyond that it goes to the kitchen and the fields.
There is another path, not laid stone but worn dirt, that leads towards The Quarries .