Selanari Settlement in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Past the gate is a stone-paved road that is protected from the forest by a tall stone wall that is about 6 feet tall. The trees are thin here, and you can see a few miles down the road, what the prisoners simply call Town. As you enter, you are greeted by a quaint and pretty picture. Wide roads are paved with colorful stones, and turn in circular patterns. They are lined with one- or two-story buildings with rounded edges and domed roofs. A few buildings stand out, because they are a story taller than the others, or because they are rectangular with sharp angles. These buildings are swarmed with people in green Tower uniforms. The other people walking the street are Tower staff as well, but they are off duty. A few prisoners also walk the streets, closely tailed by guards who keep them on short leashes (literally: the prisoners let out of the Tower wear cuffs around their ankles that are connected to chains held by their guards).
  About 3 miles from the courtyard is what is simply called Town. Most of the prison staff live in Town. There are also several nobles who are in "social" exile who chose to live here rather than endure court ridicule or actual exile. Any prison business with outside parties is usually conducted here as well. Prisoners are forbidden from visiting Town unattended, even if they are one of the highly skilled who are allowed to work for one of the people in Town.   There are several vendors and one inn for visitors. Any inspector, nobleman, or any other visitors would be staying in the inn. For this reason, the inn is very high quality, but charges a sliding scale depending on the wealth of the visitor, by the order of the Warden. It is also under very high security, and is guarded by a detail of twenty guards at any one time. From Town, the prison's exports are processed, boxed up, and prepared for transportation to the docks.   During festivals and holidays, the prisoners are permitted to go into Town and celebrate. During this time, all entrances and exits are guarded, and an increased detail of guards patrol the streets.   There are several notable locations in Town: the blacksmith (run by an overseer and worked by prisoners), the clothier (where the cloth made by the prisoners is made into clothes and armor) the travel manager (this is where staff receive their tickets for ships leaving the Isle), the treasury (basically the bank; all money ends up here, and is from here distributed to the staff), the theater (actually just a large building used for general entertainment; tournaments, fights, game nights, and actual stage productions are put on here), the clerk offices (there are at least four of these. They are tasked with keeping track of the prisoners’ labor, what is getting exported, what is getting imported, determining quotas and making sure the quotas are met.)


The staff that inhabit the Town are almost entirely elven, mostly high elves with a few wood elves. The occasional halfling or human lives there as well.


The Town is overseen by one of the Warden's lieutenants.


There is a wall surrounding not only the Town but also the road leading to and from it. This wall is patrolled and guarded every hour of the day, to keep the monster that have been released on the Isle from attacking the population.


Slave labor, baby
Founding Date
682 LD
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization