Ulrich Mansion Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Ulrich Mansion

Toward the south end of the village lie the remains of a mansion built on higher ground. It has been reduced to piles of stones and rotting timber. Empty arched windows stare at you. South of the ruin, an untamed garden runs rampant, surrounded by broken walls that are no longer able to contain it. East of the ruin, someone has erected a crude wooden fence, forming a circular yard in which several goats are penned. Atop each fence post is a gape-jawed skull. If the players enter the mansion. A ghost takes shape in the fog, assuming the form of a giant of a man. His features are mutilated and his entrails are hanging out of his  body like frayed rope. Despite his torn and gaping mouth, his voice rings out clearly: "Why do you invade my home? Begone, I beseech you, and let this cursed place rest."
  The burgomaster of Berez was a man named Lazlo Ulrich. Strahd brutally killed the man for killing Marina, and the spirit has remained trapped in the village at Strahd's will. The ghost cannot travel beyond the confines of the crumbling mansion.   If he is asked, Ulrich will recount Marina's tale. He has no knowledge of the treasure, even if the Fortunes of Ravenloft foretell it is in Berez, because he has no knowledge of Marina's monument.   The cellar and garden are identical to the book (the cellar is empty, and the garden contains four giant poisonous snakes.)  

Goat Pen

Baba Lysaga captures goats from the mountains to eat, and to use their blood in rituals. Nine goats are currently penned in this fence. Fifty human skulls are mounted on tops of the fence posts, spaced 10 feet apart.   There is no gate in the fence, as Baba Lysaga uses her flying skull to enter it. If the characters enter or damage the fence, the skulls atop the fence posts begin howling, and continue to howl for 1 minute. This howling attracts not only Baba Lysaga, but the seven scarecrows that guard the marsh.
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location