Electricity - Christmastide Valley Style

  The Christmastide Kingdom at The North Pole, formally powered only by Christmas Magic, can no longer be powered only by Christmas Magic. The Center of Christmas Spirit and Magic City needed a new power source. That power source has to be stored somewhere. That somewhere being a battery below the Christmas Town Central District. Of course, nobody knows who put it there. Only grateful it is.   The battery was discovered by Nicholas and Gertrude. It, according to the sign on it, is supposed to last for thousands of years.   But what about powering it? How would it be powered?   When Nicholas and Gerturde got together with Mother Nature, it was decided they wanted to keep up with keeping Mothers Earth and Nature. They discovered Windmills and Solar Panels, at least what would later become Windmills and Solar Panels, from a note explaining their use. Thus Santa’s Valley and Village became the first ever place to go energetically green!   Father Winter, along with all Winter and Wind Deities would charge the battery while all sleep in heavenly peace. Likewise, Nicholas and Father Winter talked with Heat Miser (Winter’s cousin birthed by Nature) and Sun Deities to further help power the battery throughout time.   As Nicholas begins to create more Toys, he creates the first train ever! It is made out of wood.   He paints it. Then he asks some of the more known smithing and fire gods to create a railroad and the trains.   Some elves would create a few train barns where they could stay inside a warm place. From here, the railroad began as Santa planned where tracks would lay. Every day became a day closer to the project completion.   Weeks passed.   The whole train and railroad opened!   Each train seemed spectacular! Inspired by the wooden train, each one is colorful and made with materials not known to Men.   The trains operate on magical wood power. Each tender behind the locomotive holds magical wood and, with a fire from a solar deity, it can burn for decades.   Behind two trains are open wagons for toys. These trains, being the first and original, are the trains which run from the workshop to the toy depot. Two more trains run food from the greenhouses and airport to the North Pole Kitchens. All trains hold the CKT acronym before their name. It stands Christmastide Kingdom Train.   There are two original trains. Evelyn and Annette can be seen around the North Pole Valley but runs between the toy workshop and toy depot.   The other two are named for Gertrude and High Chef of North Pole Valley, Jackson Peppermint. One train is named Gertrude and the other is named Peppermint.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Articles under Electricity - Christmastide Valley Style


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