Fairy and Elf Dust

Our item of the day is Fairy Dust!   Fairy Dust is magical remnants of the fairies' presence collected to use in powerful spells. Santa Claus may be the most famous user due to how rare it is, outside of the Collective Congress and certain circles, to collect.   Elves and other Fey have it too. But Fairy and Elf Dust are two most popular ingredients in spells and potions all over Ancient Power on Earth.   Santa Claus was given lots of Fairy Dust long ago when Ancient Power fell way down due to man's belief in magic. A gift from Fairy Royalty to help Nicholas while they were gone.   Fairy Dust can do many things. It can protect people, open portals, power up things, heal physical sickness, call upon loved ones for letting go, and lots more! Nicholas only uses on certain occasions to rebuild buildings, quicken the making of toys, speed up the reindeer, and a few other things. But he tries to ration it even though it has a few hundred years before it comes to be useless. Without Ancient Power at full strength, Fairy Dust is way less powerful unless connected to a more powerful item.   Fairy Dust is kept secured in Enchantment of Noel Grand Palace and in the Christmas Sleigh on Christmas Eve. Besides the trunk in the palace, Santa has bags transferred to the Fairy Dust Compartment within the dashboard in case the situation warrants it. It's saved his butt in several circumstances.
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