Santa’s Hat: Santa’s POV

HO! HO! HO!   Merry Christmas!   As part of the whole ensemble I wear on Christmas Eve, each part has something magical about it. And each important to my look and Christmas Magic. From my boots all the way up to my hat.   My hat, Santa’s Hat, has been an important part of my look for centuries. You’d think nothing was special about it unless you knew about its secrets. Only today will I reveal those secrets.   My outfits were made for me by unknown people.   [secret]These were later revealed to be Christmas Isle residents. Christmas Isle, being a part of The Mystic Isles, was not known to us until after much time had passed and so this fact was not known either.[/secret]   But my hat serves a very important purpose which continues after Ancient Power has mainly left Earth.   Two important purposes actually.  

Location – Safety

All Guardians can sense each other using Location Analysis (sub-power from the power of Magic Detection/Sense). But trying to find someone, like me, it can help to have a secondary beacon. Thus, my hat then became a beacon also shown on the Positioning Globe. Both hat and all Believer-Class Sleighs are findable by the Positioning Globe.   The Christmas Elves and all Guardians are able to find me should it become necessary on Christmas Eve (or any other time of year).  

Style and Medical – Safety

My hat is a well-known hat and the only one of its' kind. Certainly replicas out there are aplenty. But while it is red and white, it is not just a festive decoration though. Though it DOES look sharp, don’t you think? It protects my ears and head from the winter weather. I wouldn't want to get a cold! I do fly high sometimes. You wouldn't believe how cold it would be, even above the tropics!   But I do try to be safe and healthy on my flights.  


In a world where Nicholas has embraced technological advances, the hat could also be tied to advance electronics on the sleigh and to the Flight Command Center. It would help him communicate both with Flight Command and also with the reindeer.   It may even help with actually notifying of a sleigh crash.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder


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