Jantris Trelor Meliwin

Jantris Trelor Meliwin, translated to Staff of Harmony and Unity and Hope Forevermore, is the staff that helped Ancient Power return. It is nicknamed The Light and Life of Ancient Power Staff. It was hidden in Santa’s Toy Workshop Compound.   Why? Nobody knows why Santa’s Toy Workshop Compound was hidden. Or why the staff was hidden inside of it. It is beyond the wisdom and reasoning of Guardians and of the leaders. That would be a question for the Creators.   This is new staff is given to Baxter from The Spirit of Ancient Power.   This staff merged with Nicholas’s Ancient Magic Staff and Amulet allowing both staffs to play a part in Ancient Power and the Creators’ plan for it.   This new staff is one of the staffs used by Baxter breathing life anew with Ancient Power. While it is powerful, it is also dangerous in the wrong hands.  

Description of Jantris Trelor Meliwin

Jantris Trelor Meliwin was made from an ancient wood no longer in existence. And there is no modern equivalent. There are no known notes of this staff left for Baxter or the community. It is five feet and ten inches tall. On the top, a sacred Rainbow Aura Quartz Crystal Ball sits as a lion and unicorn surround it for protection and the newfound health of AEP.  

Powers of Jantris Trelor Meliwin

This staff is used that one time to release AEP from the generations of “sleep” it had. All Rulers (with Prime Merlinean as the holder of his Power of Earthly Magic Staff) say a spell using their strength and belief.   Magical Energy Manipulation (Ley Lines and Aether): Baxter can use the Ley Lines and Aether. Baxter is able to bend the mystic forces (Ley Lines and Aether) of Earth to use in spells or rituals or as a daily occurrence.   Aether and Ley Lines Empowerment and Detection: Baxter becomes stronger when the lines and Spirits are strong and AEP is restored. Baxter can feel them whenever he closes his eyes.   Spell Empowerment/Affinity: The staff, itself, becomes stronger when connected to Ley Lines.   Power and Spell/Magic Amplification/Augmentation: The staff is stronger near powerful Ley Lines (such as those that converge at either Pole (North and South)).   Leyline Unlocking: Jantris Trelor Meliwin will charge the Ley Lines, thereby restoring magic to Earth, which carry mystical energy.  

History of Jantris Trelor Meliwin

Nothing is known about the history of the staff before it is discovered by Baxter in the newly rediscovered and found-again Santa’s Toy Workshop Compound. At this point it is just known in the Mystical Tongue as Trelor Meliwin. Translated to English, it is Hope and Unity Forevermore. Although it is nicknamed the Mystical Light and Life Staff.   It is not yet able to be powered up or re-connected back to Ancient Power. This is done in “Chapter Four: Release of Ancient Power”. It is also hidden along with an unknown book. This book allows Baxter to figure out how to return Ancient Power back to its’ fullest.   This staff is found by Baxter one night while under something like magical hypnotism. It’s only then they do whatever to power it on. To complete this, they find Metaninaite Crystals. These have been gathering magic for centuries. Three of them combine into a shiny multi-colored pyramid on the top of the staff where dragon claws are.   All Guardians then go to the Mystic Circle. There, Nicholas’s Ancient Magic Staff and Amulet merges with Trelor Meliwin to become Jantris Trelor Meliwin, Staff of Harmony and Unity and Hope Forevermore. Its’ new nickname is The Light and Life of Ancient Power Staff.  
“Across the skies and through the land, it is up to us to make them understand, O Spirit of Ancient Power. We have to get this right. Yes, we have to make them see the futures bright. We can save Humanity with our unity. Spirit, the time has come to unite the whole world. We are one!”
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