Nicholas Claus Character in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Nicholas Claus

HO! HO! HO!   My name is Nicholas. Nicholas Claus.   Today is something of a special day.   You’ll learn about me through me. So, it should be exciting.   Ready to begin?   Let’s go!   I was born Human long ago. My mother, Marcia, was a kind-spirited woman who gave her life as a single woman to raise me with the values I have today. Values I have taken to heart. Without a father, I had only The Father to guide me.   The Father gave me much more in His Son, Our Saviour and Emmanuel than any Earthly father could. No wonder I came to be a priest and later a Bishop for The Father.   I left my position as Bishop of Myra (modern day Demre, Turkey). All because I felt led to something, something greater than I. I ended up in Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor. There, I came to be the Immortal Guardian known as Santa Claus. Then I moved. I now reside in Christmastide Valley with Mrs. Claus and our helpers. (Elves live, work, and play around the village. Other helpers include reindeer, polar bears, Yetis and other animals who also live in the village.)  

Nicholas’s Opinion on Magic History

I was part of The High Age of Ancient Power. I saw Mankind living in peace and harmony with the mystical community. I saw them slowly growing beyond magic. And into a new age, The Age of Technology, except for the Little Ones. Those needed me. As did the Tall Ones. But Tall Ones have less room for believing what they eventually called “childish delusions”.   I knew they had not lost the good inside them. But it came to be deeply buried as they had lost sight of what was important. The Little Ones held magic inside. They believed. For them, I vowed. For them, I still come. Because they are Hope. Because they are our future.   Am I glad we lost very little of the species? Yes. But the humans, of which I am one, had more of a loss.   The Tall Ones grew technologically beyond us. But they also grew more greedy and hungry for power leading to be more violent. And they stopped caring for one another.   Why? I don’t know. Even in my time, wars and greed had taken over some parts of the world.  

Physical Appearance

Santa is generally depicted as an overweight, jolly, white-bearded man, often with spectacles, wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, red hat with white fur, and black leather belt and boots.   While his most-seen feature is his red suit (described above) on Christmas Eve, his most well-heard feature is normally his laugh.  


Nicholas is normally a jolly, kind individual who cares about Humankind with all his heart and soul. To children, he is naturally a trustworthy friend who accepts them without question. Age, Gender and Sexual Identity, race, color, religious beliefs, national origin, and disability does not matter to him.   He’s an idealistic dreaming optimist with a big heart. His hope is for all to end the destruction and desolation of years before. He wishes for all to come together in Peace and Goodwill.   But to children, he says to go after their dreams and is supportive of what they want to do. He also wishes to hear their prayers as those are considered pure and powerful.   Nicholas, with these traits, is an inspiration for all Mankind to become more like Jesus. He is a wise leader for ending the desolation, cruelty, and destruction of our planet and our race.  

Nicholas As Guardian

Nicholas Claus is one of the Christmastide Icons or Entities. He is traditionally a secular and legendary figure whose mission is to spread glad tidings and good cheer to all who live on Earth. His other names are numerous, but some are Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, and Saint Nicholas “Saint Nick”.   He is the King of the Christmas Empire with his own throne and office. He is responsible for overseeing the production of Toys for all good boys and girls. Then he delivers to children far and wide.
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