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The Cyclopeans are a technologically sophisticated and scientifically driven ethnic group orginally from Earth. They established a settlement called Cyclopean Terraforming Settlement on Venus. Known for their singular focus on scientific advancement and environmental adaptation, Cyclopeans have significantly influenced the technological landscape of the Ancient Sol system.  


Cyclopeans are typically of medium build, with a strong emphasis on physical endurance due to their demanding living conditions. Their skin tones range from pale to dark, often reflecting their exposure to varied environmental conditions. They have a unique aesthetic that includes functional, high-tech attire designed to withstand the harsh conditions of Venus. These outfits are often sleek, made from advanced, durable materials, and incorporate technology such as climate control and biofeedback systems.  

Key Features

  • Language: Cyclopeans speak "Solathal ," a highly technical and efficient language designed for precision and clarity in scientific communication.
  • Cultural Practices: Emphasis on innovation, environmental engineering, and collaborative scientific research. Rituals often involve communal problem-solving sessions and celebrations of technological milestones.
  • Values: Innovation, resilience, and environmental harmony are highly esteemed.
  • Terraforming Venus

    They were particularly interested in the planet Venus , and in 11,302 PN, they began a massive terra-forming project with the goal of turning the inhospitable planet into a habitable world. The project was expected to take 250 years, but the Cyclopeans were confident that they could complete it on schedule.  
  • Terraforming Project (11,302 - 11,497 PN): The Cyclopeans' ambitious project to terraform Venus faces numerous challenges. Technical difficulties and environmental hazards slow progress, creating tension within the Cyclopean scientific community and straining resources.
  • Political Pressures: The Cyclopeans face political pressures from other civilizations, particularly the Atlasians, who are skeptical of the project’s feasibility and its potential to shift the balance of power. This leads to political maneuvering and attempts to sabotage the project.
  • Significance in Ancient Sol

    The Cyclopeans played a critical role in the terraforming projects on Venus, pioneering techniques that have been adopted across the system. Their expertise in environmental engineering and sustainable technology has made them key players in various interplanetary collaborations, including their alliance with the Atlas Empire and the Marheon Republic.  

    Notable Events

  • The successful terraforming of Venus, transforming it into a habitable environment for human life.
  • Collaboration in the Marheon Independence, providing technological support and expertise.
  • Notable Figures

  • Chief Engineer Bennett: Renowned for his contributions to environmental engineering and the development of Venusian habitats.
  • President Noah: Led the Cyclopean terra-forming project on Venus in 11,302 PN and was a patron of science and technology.

    Naming Traditions

    Feminine names

    Popular feminine names among Cyclopeans are "Eira," "Nara," "Liora," "Mira," and "Zyla." "Eira," meaning snow, is the most common due to its association with purity and resilience. Names that have fallen out of favor typically belonged to historical figures who failed in significant scientific endeavors or brought shame to their family.

    Masculine names

    Common masculine names in Cyclopean culture include "Thorin," "Kairo," "Zephyr," "Xander," and "Orin." "Thorin," meaning thunder, is particularly popular due to its connotations of strength and power. Names that have fallen out of favor are those associated with historical figures who were involved in unethical practices or failed projects.

    Unisex names

    Cyclopean unisex names often have roots in technology and nature. Popular names include "Ryn," "Quin," "Asa," "Jori," and "Nix." These names are widely used because they carry meanings of adaptability and resilience. Names falling out of favor are often those linked to less esteemed figures or outdated traditions.

    Family names

    Common Cyclopean family names include "Zephyr," "Aeron," "Thalor," "Vorta," and "Luxon." These names are passed down patrilineally, but when two people from different families form a new family, a combined surname is often used. The original choice of these names was based on scientific achievements or natural elements, and they inspire a deep reverence within the community.

    Other names

    Cyclopeans also use nicknames and titles to denote respect and achievements. Nicknames are often derived from one's profession or notable accomplishments, such as "Techie" for a respected engineer. Ritual names are given during significant life events, like a "Naming Ceremony," and are used in formal settings. Middle names often honor significant scientific achievements or elements, chosen to reflect the individual's heritage and aspirations.


    Major language groups and dialects

    Cyclopeans primarily speak "Solathal ," a highly technical and efficient language designed for precision and clarity in scientific communication. This language is used universally among Cyclopeans, with minor dialectical variations. It is a language of prestige and is often adopted by other civilizations seeking to engage with Cyclopean technology and science.

    Culture and cultural heritage

    The core elements of Cyclopean culture include a strong emphasis on scientific achievement, environmental adaptation, and technological innovation. Their cultural heritage is preserved through documentation and education, with historical achievements celebrated in communal events. Responsibility for preserving cultural elements lies with scientific councils and educational institutions.

    Shared customary codes and values

    Cyclopeans value innovation, resilience, and environmental harmony. Membership in the ethnic group is demonstrated through participation in scientific and environmental endeavors. These values are openly practiced and highly regarded by other civilizations, although sometimes seen as overly focused or obsessive.

    Average technological level

    Cyclopeans possess advanced technologies, particularly in genetic engineering, space travel, terraforming, and sustainable energy. They are known for their innovations in these fields, setting them apart from other ethnic groups.

    Common Etiquette rules

    Etiquette among Cyclopeans includes formal greetings, often involving a slight nod and exchange of scientific insights or updates. Dining etiquette emphasizes efficiency and practicality, with meals often consumed quickly and in a communal setting. Showing respect involves acknowledging others' scientific contributions and achievements, while disrespect includes dismissing or undermining scientific work.

    Common Dress code

    The Cyclopean dress code is functional and high-tech, with all members wearing sleek uniforms made from advanced materials. Specific colors or styles may denote rank or specialization within scientific fields. There are no material restrictions beyond the functional requirements of their environment, emphasizing practicality and technological integration.

    Art & Architecture

    Cyclopean art focuses on functional and technological themes, often utilizing advanced materials and techniques. Their architecture features sleek, high-tech designs that prioritize efficiency and sustainability. This style is highly influential and often emulated by other civilizations.

    Foods & Cuisine

    Cyclopean cuisine emphasizes efficiency and nutrition, with meals designed to provide optimal sustenance for scientific work and environmental adaptation. Ingredients are often synthetic or engineered, prepared using advanced cooking techniques that ensure consistency and health benefits. Imported and adapted food styles are less common, but Cyclopean cuisine is respected for its practicality and health benefits.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Common customs include regular scientific symposiums, technological showcases, and communal problem-solving sessions. These traditions are relatively young, reflecting the continuous evolution of Cyclopean society. Enforcement of these traditions is typically the responsibility of scientific councils and community leaders.

    Birth & Baptismal Rites

    Birth and baptismal rites among Cyclopeans involve scientific and symbolic rituals that welcome new members into the community. These rituals are inspired by their cultural emphasis on progress and adaptation, serving both a functional and symbolic purpose. They are important for

    Coming of Age Rites

    Cyclopean coming-of-age rituals include intellectual and physical trials designed to test the individual's readiness for adulthood. These trials are serious but safe, emphasizing personal growth and community contribution. Successful completion often leads to increased responsibilities and recognition within society.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    Death in Cyclopean society is treated with solemn respect, and funerary customs include advanced preservation techniques and memorial ceremonies. The deceased's life is celebrated, with memorials focusing on their contributions to society. Special methods, such as holographic projections, are used to remember the deceased.

    Common Taboos

    Taboo topics in Cyclopean society include unethical experimentation and misuse of technology. Violating these taboos results in severe social and legal consequences, reflecting the community's commitment to ethical standards.

    Common Myths and Legends

    Cyclopean myths and legends often revolve around their ancestors' journey from Earth to Venus and their subsequent achievements. Creation myths focus on the harmony between humanity and technology, fostering a strong cultural identity.

    Historical figures

    President Noah: (reigned 11,270 PN - 11,334 PN): Led the Cyclopean terra-forming project on Venus in 11,302 PN and was a patron of science and technology. Chief Engineer Bennett: (active 11,478 PN - 11,497 PN): Designed and implemented the emergency shielding systems that protected the key structure of Earth during the micronova event of 11,497 PN.


    Beauty Ideals

    Beauty in Cyclopean culture is associated with strength, resilience, and a practical aesthetic. Clean lines, functional design, and physical endurance are considered beautiful. These ideals are similar for both genders and are well-represented in Cyclopean art and media. Traditional rituals include fitness regimes and technological enhancements to maintain health and appearance.

    Gender Ideals

    Cyclopeans recognize multiple genders, each treated with respect and recognized for their contributions to scientific and environmental progress. Ideal roles include engineers, researchers, and environmental scientists. There are no strict prohibitions based on gender, and traditional attire includes high-tech uniforms that signify one's role and achievements within the community.

    Courtship Ideals

    Courtship among Cyclopeans involves respectful and intellectually stimulating interactions, emphasizing mutual interests and shared goals. Both genders may initiate courtship, often following a protocol of collaborative projects and discussions. Common mistakes include failing to show proper respect or ignoring intellectual compatibility. Parodies often depict exaggerated scientific debates, but the core values remain highly respected.

    Relationship Ideals

    Ideal relationships in Cyclopean society are partnerships based on mutual respect, intellectual growth, and collaborative innovation. Role models often include historical couples known for their contributions to scientific progress. Traditions include joint scientific projects and ceremonies celebrating significant achievements. Relationships are valued for their intellectual and collaborative factors, with taboos against relationships that disrupt community harmony.

    Major organizations

    Cyclopean Scientific Dominion - Key organization driving Cyclopean advancements.
    Encompassed species


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