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The Marheons are a resilient and free-spirited ethnic group that emerged from the union of the Atlasians and Neolithics on Mars. Known for their libertarian ideals, they fought for and achieved independence from Earth, establishing a unique culture centered on individual rights and technological progress.  


The Marheons possess a blend of physical traits from their parent civilizations, featuring a variety of skin tones from fair to tan, and builds ranging from slender to robust. Their eyes and hair colors are diverse, reflecting their genetic diversity. Marheon clothing is utilitarian and adaptive, designed for both surface and underground environments, incorporating multi-layered outfits for protection against varying temperatures and radiation.  

Key Features

Language: The primary language spoken by Marheons is Atlantek, with Neolix also used, especially in cultural and spiritual contexts. Cultural Practices: Marheons emphasize scientific achievement, personal freedom, and community resilience. They celebrate milestones in space exploration and technological advancements. Values: Individual rights, personal independence, and technological innovation are highly esteemed.  

Significance in Ancient Sol

Marheons played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape of Ancient Sol. Their successful fight for independence from the Atlasians marked a significant shift in the balance of power within the solar system. The Marheons also contributed to technological advancements and maintained a strong emphasis on individual liberty.  

Notable Events


Notable Figures

  • Captain Samantha: Led the Marheon civilization in its independence from Earth and was a pioneer in interplanetary relations.
  • Governor Mia: Led the evacuation and rescue efforts on Mars during the Micronova event of 11,497 PN and helped to save many lives.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Marheon feminine names often reflect strength and independence. "Lara" is the most popular name due to its association with a legendary scientist who made groundbreaking discoveries. Names that have fallen out of favor are usually those of disgraced historical figures. There are no forbidden names, but special qualities are often ascribed to names based on historical significance.   Popular feminine names include: "Lara," "Isabel," "Zara," "Elara," and "Talia."

Masculine names

Marheon masculine names typically denote strength and intellect. "Theron" is particularly popular due to its connection with Emperor Theron, a key figure in their history. Names that have fallen out of favor are often associated with historical failures. There are no forbidden names, but significant names are chosen to reflect the community's values.   Common masculine names include: "Theron," "Alex," "Kael," "Darius," and "Orin."

Unisex names

Unisex names in Marheon culture often have roots in ancient languages and carry meanings related to knowledge and exploration. "Sage" is a popular unisex name due to its profound connotations of wisdom and growth. These names became unisex over time, reflecting cultural shifts toward equality and versatility.   Common unisex names include: "Sage," "Kai," "Arin," "Rey," and "Zion."

Family names

Marheon family names reflect their diverse heritage and commitment to individualism. These surnames are passed down patrilineally, but in cases of marriage between different families, a hyphenated combination of both surnames is common. Family names were originally chosen to honor significant ancestors or notable achievements. They inspire deep reverence within the community. Common family names include: "Kaelix," "Darnath," "Lorven," "Xandros," and "Varaen."

Other names

Marheons also use nicknames and titles to denote respect and achievements. Nicknames are often derived from one's profession or notable accomplishments, such as "Doc" for a respected scientist. Ritual names are given during significant life events, like a "Naming Ceremony," and are used in formal settings. Middle names often honor ancestors or significant historical figures, chosen with great care to reflect the individual's heritage and aspirations.


Major language groups and dialects

Marheons primarily speak Atlantek, a technical and precise language. They also use Neolix, especially in cultural and spiritual contexts. These languages are seen as symbols of their heritage and are integral to their identity.

Culture and cultural heritage

The core elements of Marheon culture include a strong emphasis on scientific achievement, personal freedom, and community resilience. Their cultural heritage is preserved through documentation and education, with historical achievements celebrated in communal events. Responsibility for preserving cultural elements lies with scientific councils and educational institutions, ensuring that progress and innovation remain central to their identity.

Shared customary codes and values

Marheons value individual rights, personal independence, and technological advancement. Membership in the ethnic group is demonstrated through participation in scientific endeavors and adherence to cultural practices that emphasize progress and innovation. These values are openly practiced and highly regarded by other civilizations, although sometimes seen as overly ambitious or competitive.

Average technological level

Marheons possess advanced technology, including sophisticated propulsion systems, energy-based weapons, and integrated holographic interfaces. Their technological level is among the highest in Ancient Sol, with innovations in various scientific fields driving continuous progress.

Common Etiquette rules

Etiquette among Marheons includes formal greetings, often involving a slight bow and exchange of scientific achievements or projects. Dining etiquette emphasizes efficiency and practicality, with meals often consumed quickly and in a communal setting. Showing respect involves acknowledging others' intellectual contributions and achievements, while disrespect includes dismissing scientific work or failing to recognize one's efforts.

Common Dress code

Marheon dress code is practical and high-tech, with most members wearing form-fitting jumpsuits made from advanced materials. Specific colors or styles may denote rank or specialization within scientific fields, but there are no material restrictions beyond the functional requirements of their environment.

Art & Architecture

Marheon art focuses on themes of survival and resilience, often using mixed media and recycled materials. Their architecture is practical and adaptive, designed to withstand harsh environments and incorporate advanced technologies. The style combines sleekness with earthiness, reflecting their heritage and innovation.

Foods & Cuisine

Marheon cuisine emphasizes efficiency and nutrition, with meals designed to provide optimal sustenance for scientific work and space travel. Ingredients are often synthetic or engineered, prepared using advanced cooking techniques that ensure consistency and health benefits. Imported and adapted food styles are less common, but Marheon cuisine is respected for its practicality and health benefits.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Common customs among Marheons include regular celebrations of scientific milestones and achievements. These traditions are relatively young, reflecting the rapid progress and continuous evolution of Marheon society. Enforcement of these traditions is typically the responsibility of scientific councils and community leaders, ensuring adherence and participation.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birth and baptismal rites among Marheons involve scientific and symbolic rituals that welcome new members into the community. These rituals are inspired by their cultural emphasis on progress and achievement, serving both a functional and symbolic purpose. They are important for reinforcing the community's values and ensuring the integration of new generations into Marheon society.

Coming of Age Rites

Coming of age rites in Marheon culture include ceremonies that celebrate the transition into adulthood, often involving the completion of a significant scientific project or achievement. These rites are serious matters, with trials designed to test and prove the individual's abilities. Successfully undergoing these rites marks a significant change in the individual's status and responsibilities within the community.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Marheons treat death with solemnity and respect, celebrating the deceased's contributions to science and society. Funerary customs involve ceremonies that highlight the individual's achievements and their impact on the community. Memorials often include scientific data or artifacts related to the deceased's work, ensuring their legacy is remembered and honored.

Common Taboos

Taboos among Marheons include dismissing or undermining scientific progress, spreading misinformation, spreading communism or socialism, and engaging in unethical research practices. Breaking these taboos results in social ostracism and loss of respect within the community, with severe cases leading to formal reprimands or expulsion from scientific institutions.

Common Myths and Legends

Marheon myths and legends often revolve around historical figures and scientific discoveries. Creation myths include stories of early explorers and scientists who pushed the boundaries of knowledge and established the foundations of their civilization. These myths serve to inspire future generations and reinforce the community's values of ambition and innovation.

Historical figures

Notable historical figures in Marheon culture include:
  • Captain Samantha: Led the Marheon civilization in its independence from Earth and was a pioneer in interplanetary relations.
  • Governor Mia: Led the evacuation and rescue efforts on Mars during the Micronova event of 11,497 PN and helped to save many lives.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty in Marheon culture is associated with resilience, intelligence, and practical elegance. High cheekbones, clear eyes, and a robust yet agile physique are considered beautiful. These standards are similar for all genders, and traditional rituals include maintaining health through balanced living and regular exercise. The ideals are well represented in Marheon art and media, emphasizing their unique heritage.

Gender Ideals

Marheons recognize multiple genders, treating each with respect and valuing their contributions to society. Ideal roles include scientists, engineers, and leaders. There are no strict prohibitions based on gender; instead, cultural norms promote inclusivity and equality. Traditional attire includes adaptive clothing suited for various environments, reflecting their practical and egalitarian values.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Marheons involves intellectual and emotional compatibility. Both genders may initiate courtship, often following protocols that emphasize shared interests and mutual respect. Common mistakes include overly aggressive pursuits or ignoring intellectual compatibility. Parodies of this ideal often depict exaggerated scientific debates or overly formal approaches, but the core values remain highly respected.

Relationship Ideals

Ideal relationships in Marheon society are partnerships of equals, where both parties support each other's scientific and exploratory endeavors. Role models often include historical couples known for their collaborative achievements. Traditions include joint scientific projects and rituals celebrating shared milestones. Relationships are primarily valued for their political and romantic factors, with strict taboos against relationships that disrupt social harmony or scientific progress.

Major organizations

Marheons are primarily part of the Marheon Republic, which governs their society on Mars. This organization is crucial for maintaining their independence and fostering scientific progress. The Marheon Republic played a key role in the Marheon Independence and continues to support their libertarian ideals.
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