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Atlas Colonial Administration (at-luhs kuh-loh-nee-uhl ad-min-uh-strey-shuhn)


The Atlas Colonial Administration (ACA) is the governing body established by the Atlas Empire to manage its extraterrestrial colonies, particularly those on Mars. As the primary instrument of Atlasian rule beyond Earth, the ACA plays a crucial role in implementing imperial policies, maintaining order, and exploiting colonial resources for the benefit of the Empire.  


Founded in the wake of Atlasian expansion into space, the ACA serves as the bureaucratic arm of the Atlas Empire in its colonies. Its primary mission is to ensure the efficient governance and resource extraction from colonial territories, while suppressing any dissent or independence movements. The ACA operates under a philosophy of centralized control and authoritarian rule, reflecting the values of the Atlas Empire itself.  

Historical Background

The ACA was established shortly after the Atlasians became the first human civilization to successfully colonize Mars in 11,125 PN. As Atlasian presence on Mars grew, particularly with the founding of Atlas City, the need for a dedicated colonial governance structure became apparent. The ACA's role expanded significantly following the establishment of New Marheus, a joint venture with the Neolithics, which later became a hotbed of Marheon Resistance.  

Structure and Hierarchy

The ACA operates under a rigid hierarchical structure:
  • Central Command: Located on Earth, it issues directives and policies for all colonies.
  • Governor-General: Appointed by the Atlas Empire for each colony, wielding broad powers.
  • Departments: Various specialized divisions handling different aspects of colonial management: - Public Administration - Economic Development - Scientific Research - Social Control and Surveillance

Activities and Operations

The ACA's operations span various aspects of colonial life:  
  • Governance: Implementing Atlasian laws and policies in the colonies.
  • Resource Management: Overseeing the extraction and export of colonial resources.
  • Economic Control: Managing the colonial economy to benefit the Atlas Empire.
  • Population Control: Implementing measures to maintain social stability and prevent unrest.
  • Surveillance: Employing advanced technology to monitor the colonial population.
  • Scientific Exploitation: Coordinating research projects that leverage unique colonial conditions.

Role in Ancient Sol

The ACA plays a pivotal role in maintaining Atlasian dominance in the Solar System. It serves as the primary interface between the Atlas Empire and its colonial subjects, enforcing imperial will and suppressing independence movements. The organization's actions, particularly on Mars, have significant repercussions for interplanetary relations and the balance of power in Ancient Sol.  

Notable Events

  • 11,125 PN: Establishment of the ACA following the founding of Atlas City on Mars.
  • 11,245 PN: ACA oversees the joint Atlasian-Neolithic project to establish New Marheus.
  • 11,303 PN: The New Marheus Massacre, a pivotal event in Marheon-Atlasian relations, occurs under ACA jurisdiction.
  • 11,311 PN: ACA faces its greatest challenge as Mars declares independence from Earth.

Alliances and Rivalries

  • Atlas Security Forces (ASF): Works closely with the ACA to maintain order in the colonies.
  • Atlas Scientific Consortium: Collaborates on research projects in colonial territories.
  • United Marheon Resistance: The primary opposition to ACA rule on Mars.
  • Neolithic Union: Initially partners in colonization, relations soured over ACA's oppressive policies.

Legacy and Impact

The ACA's legacy is one of colonial oppression and resource exploitation. Its heavy-handed tactics and disregard for colonial rights played a significant role in fueling the Marheon independence movement. The organization's actions have shaped the political landscape of Mars and continue to influence interplanetary relations in the Ancient Sol system.  

Notable Figures

  • Governor Arin Darnath: Notorious for his brutal suppression of Marheon dissent.
  • Dr. Liora Voss: Former ACA scientist who defected to the Marheon Resistance.


"Through unity and strength, we shall secure the future of humanity among the stars." - ACA propaganda slogan   "The ACA is the iron fist of the Atlas Empire, crushing the dreams of freedom beneath its oppressive weight." - Darius Kaelix, Marheon Resistance leader  

Visual Descriptors

  • Main Color: #C0C0C0 (Silver)
  • Secondary Color: #000080 (Navy Blue)
  • Visual Style: Sleek, minimalist, and intimidating. Logos and insignias feature sharp, angular designs.
  • Flag Colors: Silver, Navy Blue, and White
  • Uniform Colors: Navy Blue with Silver accents
  • Symbol/Icon: A stylized globe encircled by a ring, representing the ACA's control over colonial worlds
  • Decorative Patterns: Geometric patterns featuring interlocking hexagons, symbolizing order and control
  • Emblem/Insignia: A silver fist clutching a planet, encircled by the organization's name, symbolizing the ACA's iron grip on the colonies


The ACA operates under a strict hierarchical structure. At the top is the Central Command on Earth, which issues directives to the Governor-General of each colony. The Governor-General oversees various departments, each headed by a Director:
  • Public Administration Department: Manages day-to-day governance and infrastructure
  • Economic Development Department: Oversees resource extraction and economic policies
  • Scientific Research Department: Coordinates research projects and technological advancements
  • Social Control and Surveillance Department: Maintains order and monitors the population
  Each department has multiple sub-divisions and regional offices. The chain of command is rigid, with all significant decisions requiring approval from higher ranks.


The ACA's culture is characterized by strict discipline, unwavering loyalty to the Atlas Empire, and a sense of superiority over the colonial subjects. Efficiency and obedience are highly valued, while individual initiative is discouraged unless it directly benefits the Empire. There's a pervasive belief in the ACA's mission to "civilize" and "develop" the colonies, often used to justify oppressive measures.   Within the organization, there's a strong emphasis on hierarchy and protocol. Informal interactions between different ranks are rare, and social gatherings are often formal affairs used for networking and subtle political maneuvering. The culture promotes a sense of elitism among its members, viewing themselves as the vanguard of Atlasian civilization in the frontier of space.

Public Agenda

The ACA's public agenda revolves around several key points:
  • Efficient management of colonial resources for the benefit of the Atlas Empire
  • Maintenance of order and stability in colonial territories
  • Advancement of scientific research and technological development in unique colonial environments
  • Integration of colonial subjects into the Atlasian way of life
  • Protection of colonial territories from external threats
  Publicly, the ACA presents itself as a benevolent administrative body, bringing the benefits of Atlasian civilization to the colonies. However, this facade often clashes with the reality of oppressive policies and resource exploitation, leading to growing resentment among colonial populations.


The ACA controls vast assets across its colonial territories:
  • Administrative complexes and governmental buildings in major colonial cities
  • Advanced surveillance and communication networks spanning entire planets
  • Fleets of specialized vehicles for planetary and space transportation
  • Resource extraction facilities, including mines, refineries, and processing plants
  • Research laboratories and scientific outposts in various environments
  • Training facilities for colonial administrators and security personnel
  • Stockpiles of weapons and equipment for use by the Atlas Security Forces
  These assets are used to maintain control over the colonies, extract resources, and further Atlasian interests in space. The ACA's control over these assets gives it significant leverage over colonial populations and rival organizations.


The ACA's history is closely tied to Atlasian expansion into space:
  • 11,125 PN: ACA established following the founding of Atlas City on Mars
  • 11,200 PN: ACA's role expands as more Martian colonies are founded
  • 11,245 PN: Oversees the establishment of New Marheus in collaboration with Neolithics
  • 11,300 PN: Implements stricter control measures in response to growing unrest
  • 11,303 PN: New Marheus Massacre occurs under ACA jurisdiction
  • 11,311 PN: Faces its greatest challenge as Mars declares independence
  • 11,311 - 11,313 PN: Engages in a bitter struggle against the Marheon Resistance
  Throughout its history, the ACA has consistently prioritized Atlasian interests over those of the colonial subjects, leading to increasing tensions and ultimately, open conflict.

Demography and Population

The ACA administers a diverse population across its colonial territories, primarily on Mars. Major demographic groups include:
  • Atlasian settlers: Primarily concentrated in Atlas City and other major settlements
  • Marheons: Descendants of Atlasian and Neolithic colonists, forming the majority in areas like New Marheus
  • Neolithic immigrants: Smaller communities spread across various colonies
  Population density is highest in established city-domes, with smaller outposts and research stations scattered across the Martian surface. Birth rates are carefully controlled through ACA policies, with an emphasis on maintaining a stable, productive workforce. The population faces challenges such as resource scarcity and the harsh Martian environment, leading to ongoing tensions with ACA administration.


The ACA's primary territorial holdings are on Mars, including:
  • Atlas City and surrounding regions: Firmly under Atlasian control
  • New Marheus and outlying areas: Contested territory, center of Marheon resistance
  • Valles Marineris: Key resource extraction zone
  • Olympus Mons region: Site of major research installations
  • Martian polar caps: Water extraction facilities
  These territories are viewed as vital Atlasian assets, essential for resource extraction and scientific research. The ACA maintains a strong military presence to defend these holdings against both internal unrest and potential external threats.


While not directly controlling military forces, the ACA works closely with the Atlas Security Forces (ASF) to maintain order in the colonies. The ACA's role in military matters includes:
  • Providing intelligence and surveillance data to the ASF
  • Coordinating logistics and resource allocation for military operations
  • Overseeing the construction and maintenance of defensive infrastructure
  • Managing civilian defense programs and emergency response systems
  The ACA views a strong military presence as essential for maintaining Atlasian control over the colonies and deterring both internal dissent and external threats.

Technological Level

The ACA maintains a high level of technological and scientific development in the colonies:
  • Advanced life support and environmental control systems
  • Cutting-edge resource extraction and processing technologies
  • Sophisticated surveillance and security systems
  • Specialized medical technologies adapted for Martian conditions
  • Ongoing research into terraforming and long-term space habitation
  Technology is viewed as a crucial tool for maintaining Atlasian dominance. The ACA strictly controls access to advanced technologies, ensuring that the most cutting-edge developments remain in Atlasian hands. Scientists and engineers are highly valued but also closely monitored to prevent technology transfers to resistance groups.


The ACA's approach to religion in the colonies is one of strict control and regulation:
  • Traditional Atlasian belief systems are tacitly encouraged
  • Neolithic and Marheon spiritual practices are tolerated but closely monitored
  • Any religious activity seen as promoting dissent or independence is swiftly suppressed
  • State-sanctioned "cultural centers" promote Atlasian values and worldviews
  Religious freedom is officially guaranteed but practically limited. The ACA views religion as a potential tool for maintaining social order, but also as a possible source of resistance to be carefully managed.

Foreign Relations

The ACA's approach to foreign relations is characterized by a mix of diplomacy and intimidation, always prioritizing Atlasian interests:
  • Neolithic Union: Initially cooperative, relations have become strained due to ACA's oppressive policies on Mars
  • Cyclopean Scientific Dominion: Maintains cautious scientific exchange, while wary of Cyclopean advancements
  • Polygonal Confederation: Limited interaction, mostly centered around resource trade agreements
  • Marheon Resistance/Provisional Government: Openly hostile, viewing them as rebels to be suppressed
  The ACA's diplomatic corps operates under strict guidelines, focusing on maintaining Atlasian dominance in interplanetary affairs. They're particularly wary of any foreign influence that could encourage colonial independence movements.


The ACA maintains a comprehensive legal system in its colonies, designed to ensure Atlasian control:
  • Strict regulations on resource extraction and export, favoring Atlasian interests
  • Laws limiting freedom of assembly and speech, particularly regarding independence movements
  • Mandatory registration and monitoring of all colonial residents
  • Regulations controlling interplanetary travel and communication
  • Labor laws enforcing productivity quotas and restricting worker organization
  Laws are created by the Colonial Legislative Council and enforced by the Atlas Security Forces. Punishments for infractions are often severe, including forced labor, exile to harsh environments, or in extreme cases, execution. The legal system is designed to be efficient rather than just, with limited appeal processes available to colonial subjects.

Agriculture & Industry

The ACA oversees a diverse range of agricultural and industrial activities in the colonies:
  • Martian greenhouse complexes for food production
  • Water extraction and purification facilities at the polar caps
  • Mining operations for rare minerals and metals
  • Manufacturing centers for essential colonial equipment and supplies
  • Research and development facilities for adapting Earth-based technologies to Martian conditions
  These activities are strictly controlled to ensure they primarily benefit the Atlas Empire. The ACA implements policies to make the colonies as self-sufficient as possible in terms of basic necessities, while ensuring that key resources and advanced technologies remain under Atlasian control.

Trade & Transport

The ACA maintains tight control over all trade and transport within and between colonial territories:
  • Interplanetary transport is monopolized by ACA-approved carriers
  • Trade between colonies and with Earth is heavily regulated and taxed
  • A network of maglev trains connects major Martian settlements
  • Specialized vehicles designed for Martian terrain facilitate resource transport
  • Strict customs and immigration controls are enforced at all spaceports
  Travel within colonial territories is monitored and often restricted, particularly for non-Atlasians. The ACA uses its control over transportation networks to maintain economic dominance and limit the spread of dissent.


The ACA oversees a tightly controlled education system in the colonies:
  • Mandatory education for all colonial children, with curriculum designed to promote Atlasian values
  • Higher education focused on fields deemed essential for colonial development
  • Strict limits on humanities and social sciences to discourage critical thinking about the colonial system
  • Advanced research opportunities reserved primarily for Atlasian citizens
  • Vocational training programs to meet colonial workforce needs
  Education is viewed as a tool for maintaining Atlasian control and ensuring a productive colonial workforce. Access to certain fields of study is restricted based on ethnic background and loyalty to the ACA.


The ACA manages an extensive infrastructure network across the colonies:
  • Pressurized city-domes for major settlements
  • Life support systems including air purification and water recycling
  • Power generation facilities, primarily using solar and nuclear energy
  • Communication networks for both planetary and interplanetary transmissions
  • Transportation systems including maglev trains and specialized Martian vehicles
  • Medical facilities and emergency response centers
  Maintenance of this infrastructure is a top priority for the ACA, as it's essential for sustaining colonial populations and resource extraction operations. Access to certain infrastructure, particularly advanced communication systems, is often restricted based on an individual's status and loyalty to the ACA.

Efficiency, Obedience, Progress

Founding Date
11,125 PN
Geopolitical, Colony
Alternative Names
CopyACA Administrator
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
  • Atlas City, Mars: ACA's primary Martian headquarters
  • New Marheus, Mars: Key colonial settlement, later center of Marheon resistance
  • Olympus Mons Research Station, Mars: Major scientific outpost
  • Valles Marineris Mining Complex, Mars: Significant resource extraction site
  • Phobos Monitoring Station: Strategic surveillance outpost
  • Solar Credit
  • Atlasian Colonial Note
  • Martian Resource Token
  • Imperial Scrip
  • Terran Exchange Unit
  The ACA uses a centrally controlled fiat currency, managed by the Economic Development Department. Large transactions are typically conducted electronically, while physical currency in the form of credits or tokens is used for everyday purchases in the colonies. The exchange rate between colonial and Earth-based currencies is strictly regulated to maintain economic control.
Major Exports
  • Rare Martian minerals and metals
  • Scientific data and research findings from Martian studies
  • Martian-developed technologies adapted for harsh environments
  • Limited agricultural products from Martian greenhouses
  • Artifacts and samples for Earth-based museums and research institutions
Major Imports
  • Advanced technology and specialized equipment from Earth
  • Luxury goods for Atlasian colonial elite
  • Certain food items and agricultural products not yet viable for Martian production
  • Specialized medical supplies and pharmaceuticals
  • Raw materials for manufacturing processes not available on Mars
Legislative Body
Colonial Legislative Council, appointed by the Atlas Empire and overseen by the ACA Central Command. This body drafts and approves colonial laws and regulations, always subject to final approval from Earth.
Judicial Body
Colonial High Court, staffed by ACA-appointed judges. Lower courts in each major settlement handle day-to-day legal matters. All significant cases, especially those involving resistance activities, are referred to the Colonial High Court.
Executive Body
Colonial High Court, staffed by ACA-appointed judges. Lower courts in each major settlement handle day-to-day legal matters. All significant cases, especially those involving resistance activities, are referred to the Colonial High Court.
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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