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Neanderthals, known as Polygonals in the Ancient Sol universe, are one of the earliest human species, evolving approximately 400,000 years ago. They are known for their robust physiques and strong survival instincts, which made them well-suited for the harsh environments of ancient Earth and beyond.  


Neanderthals were primarily found in Europe and West Asia. They were characterized by their strong, stocky builds, broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Their skin was slightly tanned, and their hair ranged from dark brown to black. This species exhibited a strong sense of community and survival, often living in close-knit groups that focused on defense and practical skills.  

Key Features

  • Physical Traits: Strong, stocky builds with broad shoulders and muscular arms.
  • Facial Characteristics: Strong jaws, wide noses, and deep-set eyes, typically brown or hazel.
  • Body Tint: Slightly tanned skin with dark brown to black hair.
  • Clothing: Practical and durable clothing designed for defense and survival, including reinforced jackets, padded vests, and utility belts.
  • Technology: Utilitarian and robust, focused on durability and practicality.
  • Significance in Ancient Sol

    Neanderthals, as the Polygonals, played a significant role in the development of Ancient Sol civilizations. They were known for their military prowess and defense capabilities, often building outposts and fortresses on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn . Their disciplined nature and strong communal bonds made them formidable allies and adversaries.  

    Notable Events

  • The World War  : Polygonals played a crucial role in this devastating conflict, leveraging their military strength and defensive capabilities.
  • Colonization of Callisto: In 11356 PN, the Polygonals established the first permanent human settlement on Callisto, marking a significant milestone in space colonization.
  • Notable Figures

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Neanderthal social structure was highly communal and focused on survival. They lived in close-knit groups, emphasizing defense and practical skills to ensure the safety and well-being of their communities.

    Facial characteristics

    Neanderthals featured strong jaws, wide noses, and deep-set eyes, typically brown or hazel. Their hair was thick and ranged from dark brown to black.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Europe, West Asia, moons of Jupiter and Saturn

    Average Intelligence

    Neanderthals possessed a high degree of intelligence, particularly in terms of survival skills, strategic planning, and communal living.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Neanderthals had simple naming traditions, often based on physical characteristics or notable achievements within their communities. Common names might include strong, earthy elements reflective of their robust nature.

    Major Organizations

    Polygonal Defense Corps

    The primary military organization of the Polygonals, responsible for protecting their territories and ensuring the security of their communities.  

    Polygonal Engineering Corps

    An organization focused on constructing and maintaining the robust infrastructure and fortifications that the Polygonals are known for.  

    Polygonal Resource Management Authority

    Manages the allocation and utilization of resources to support the Polygonal civilization's defensive and survival needs.

    Average Technological Level

    Neanderthals developed practical and durable technologies focused on defense and survival. Their descendants, the Polygonals, advanced these technologies to include space colonization and robust military infrastructure.

    Common Dress Code

    Neanderthals and their descendants favored practical, durable clothing designed for defense and survival. This included reinforced jackets, padded vests, heavy-duty boots, and utility belts equipped with tools and weapons.

    Culture and Cultural Heritage

    Neanderthal culture emphasized communal living, defense, and survival. Their descendants, the Polygonals, continued these traditions, valuing discipline, loyalty, and practicality. Their cultural heritage includes strong community bonds and a deep respect for strength and resilience.

    Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

    Common customs among Neanderthals included communal gatherings, storytelling, and rituals centered around defense and survival. These traditions were carried forward by the Polygonals, who celebrated their heritage through festivals and ceremonies honoring their ancestors and their enduring strength.


    Neanderthals evolved around 400,000 years ago in Europe and West Asia. They were known for their robust builds and survival skills. Over time, their descendants, the Polygonals, expanded into space, establishing outposts on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and playing significant roles in the conflicts and developments of the Ancient Sol system.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Neanderthals and their descendants, the Polygonals, maintained complex relationships with other species. They respected the technological prowess of the Atlasians but often found themselves in conflict due to territorial disputes. The Cyclopeans were valued allies, especially in scientific and technological exchanges. Relations with the Neolithics were mixed, appreciating their peacekeeping efforts but doubting their practicality. The Marheons were seen as potential allies, with cautious respect for their growing influence.
    Scientific Name
    Evolved in Europe and West Asia
    Average Physique
    Neanderthals had strong, stocky builds with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and robust physiques designed for physical labor and defense.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Neanderthals had slightly tanned skin with dark brown to black hair, often worn short or tied back.
    Geographic Distribution
    Related Ethnicities


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