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The Polygonals are an ethnic group within the Ancient Sol universe, primarily descended from the Neanderthals. Known for their strong, stocky builds and practical, durable clothing, the Polygonals are a highly disciplined and militaristic society.  


Polygonals evolved in Europe  and West Asia  around 400,000 BC and have a robust physique ideal for physical labor and defense. Their society is male-driven, with strict norms against gay marriage and inter-species marriages. They are deeply religious and are considered the most closed-minded people in Ancient Sol.  

Key Features

  • Language: The Polygonals share the language Solathal with the Cyclopeans.
  • Religion: The Polygonals are very religious, adhering to strict religious practices and beliefs.
  • Military Focus: Polygonal society is heavily focused on military strength and defense.
  • Significance in Ancient Sol

    The Polygonals play a crucial role in the Ancient Sol universe due to their strong military capabilities and their significant presence on Callisto , where they established the first permanent human settlement beyond Earth  or Mars , Polygona Prime.  

    Notable Events

  • New Propulsion System (11355 PN): Development of a new propulsion system, marking a significant technological leap.
  • Colonization of Callisto (11356 PN): Establishment of Polygona Prime on Callisto.
  • Humanitarian Emergency (11359 PN): The Polygonals faced a major crisis on Callisto, resolved with the assistance of the Cyclopeans.
  • Notable Figures

  • General Marcus : Led the military expansion of the Polygonal civilization into space and was a key figure in the early conflicts between the civilizations of Ancient Sol.
  • Commander Alex : Led the defense of the Polygonal moons during the micronova event of 11,497 PN.

    Naming Traditions

    Feminine names

    Popular feminine names among Polygonals are "Liora," "Myra," "Selene," "Tara," and "Vera." "Liora," meaning "light," is particularly popular due to its association with religious purity. Names that have fallen out of favor typically belonged to figures who challenged traditional roles or were involved in scandals. Forbidden names are those that have been historically disgraced or associated with betrayal.

    Masculine names

    Common masculine names in Polygonal culture include "Darius," "Zander," "Marcus," "Viktor," and "Cyrus." "Marcus" is especially popular due to the legacy of General Marcus. Names that have fallen out of favor are those associated with historical failures or acts of dishonor. Names carrying significant historical weight are often chosen for their symbolic value.

    Unisex names

    Unisex names in Polygonal society are rare, reflecting their strict gender roles. However, names like "Ari," "Rene," "Valen," "Kai," and "Alex" are used in some contexts. These names became unisex over time due to their neutral phonetic qualities and occasional use in both military and religious settings. Names that have fallen out of favor are typically those that lack clear cultural or historical significance.

    Family names

    Common Polygonal family names include "Kardax," "Zephar," "Thalos," "Marven," and "Raxus." These names are typically passed down patrilineally, reinforcing the male-driven nature of their society. When two people from different families marry, the family name of the male partner is typically retained. These names often inspire reverence and are associated with the family's military and religious achievements.

    Other names

    Polygonals also use titles and honorifics extensively. Titles like "Commander," "General," and "Priest" denote one's rank and role within society. Ritual names are given during significant religious ceremonies and are used in formal contexts. Middle names often honor ancestors or significant military leaders, chosen to reflect the individual's heritage and societal role.


    Major language groups and dialects

    Polygonals primarily speak Solathal, a language shared with the Cyclopeans. This language is used universally among Polygonals, with minor variations in dialect reflecting regional differences. It is a language of authority and reverence, adopted by other civilizations seeking to engage with Polygonal culture.

    Culture and cultural heritage

    The core elements of Polygonal culture include a strong emphasis on military prowess, religious devotion, and strict social codes. Their cultural heritage is preserved through military and religious texts, with historical achievements celebrated in communal events. Responsibility for preserving cultural elements lies with religious and military leaders.

    Shared customary codes and values

    Polygonals value discipline, loyalty, and religious devotion. Membership in the ethnic group is demonstrated through adherence to social codes and participation in military and religious activities. These values are openly practiced and often viewed as overly rigid by other civilizations.

    Average technological level

    Polygonals possess highly advanced military technology, with a focus on weapons systems, fortifications, and strategic planning tools. Their technological level is among the highest in Ancient Sol, with innovations in defense and warfare driving their continuous progress.

    Common Etiquette rules

    Etiquette among Polygonals includes formal greetings, often involving a salute and exchange of respectful phrases. Dining etiquette emphasizes hierarchy, with higher-ranked individuals served first. Showing respect involves acknowledging others' rank and contributions, while disrespect includes breaches of protocol or failure to observe religious customs.

    Common Dress code

    The Polygonal dress code is strict and uniform, with all members wearing military-style attire. Uniforms denote rank and are made from durable materials suitable for both ceremonial and combat situations. Specific colors and insignias indicate one's role and status within the community.

    Art & Architecture

    Polygonal art focuses on military and religious themes, often utilizing strong, angular designs and durable materials. Their architecture features fortified structures and temples, emphasizing function and strength. This style is unique to Polygonal society and is often copied by other civilizations for its defensive capabilities.

    Foods & Cuisine

    Polygonal cuisine is practical and nutritious, designed to sustain their disciplined lifestyle. Meals often include protein-rich foods and simple, hearty dishes. Imported and adapted food styles are rare, but Polygonal cuisine is respected for its simplicity and efficiency.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Common customs include regular military drills, religious ceremonies, and communal gatherings. These traditions are deeply rooted and have been observed for centuries. Enforcement of these traditions is the responsibility of military and religious authorities.

    Birth & Baptismal Rites

    Birth and baptismal rites among Polygonals involve religious and symbolic rituals that welcome new members into the community. These rituals are inspired by their cultural emphasis on discipline and loyalty, serving both a functional and symbolic purpose.

    Coming of Age Rites

    Coming of age rites include ceremonies that celebrate the transition into adulthood, often involving military trials or religious initiation. These rites are serious matters, with trials designed to test and prove the individual's abilities and commitment to societal values.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    Polygonals treat death with solemnity and respect, celebrating the deceased's contributions to military and religious life. Funerary customs involve ceremonies that highlight the individual's achievements and their impact on the community.

    Common Taboos

    Taboos among Polygonals include violations of religious customs, breaches of military discipline, and engaging in forbidden relationships. Breaking these taboos results in severe social and legal repercussions.

    Common Myths and Legends

    Polygonal myths and legends often revolve around military heroes and religious figures. Creation myths include stories of early warriors and priests who established the foundations of their civilization.

    Historical figures

    Notable historical figures include:
  • General Marcus: Renowned for his strategic brilliance in various military campaigns.
  • Commander Alex: A pivotal leader known for maintaining the rigid discipline and structure of Polygonal society.
  • Ideals

    Beauty Ideals

    Beauty in Polygonal culture is associated with physical strength and discipline. Muscular builds, sharp features, and an austere appearance are considered ideal. These standards are similar for both genders, reflecting their militaristic values. Traditional rituals include physical training and grooming practices designed to maintain peak physical condition.

    Gender Ideals

    Polygonals recognize traditional binary genders, with distinct roles for each. Men are expected to be warriors and leaders, while women often take on supportive and religious roles. These ideals are strictly enforced, with deviations viewed as dishonorable. Rituals and customs reinforce these roles, including specific attire and social expectations.

    Courtship Ideals

    Courtship in Polygonal society is formal and often arranged, emphasizing social status and family alliances. Men typically initiate courtship following strict protocols, and both genders are expected to uphold traditional values. Common mistakes include breaches of protocol or displays of emotion. Parodies often depict overly rigid courtship rituals, but these ideals remain highly respected.

    Relationship Ideals

    Ideal relationships in Polygonal society are partnerships that uphold and reinforce societal values. Role models include couples known for their contributions to military and religious life. Traditions involve joint participation in religious ceremonies and military events. Relationships outside the species or same-sex relationships are strictly forbidden, with severe social repercussions for violations.

    Major organizations

  • Polygonal Confederation: The primary governing body of the Polygonals, overseeing military and religious affairs.
  • Encompassed species
    Related Locations


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