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Early Life

The Guild Master of the Cartographer's Guild is something of an oddity - even when compared to the varied crowds of Halgen. The Kobold came into his position at the age of seven in 7a 1511 when the previous Guild Master, a Gnome by the name of Gibbelard Honeystrike, retired for her 372nd birthday.
Stew was initially brought as an egg to his predecessor's desk by a novice scribe, unsure of what the creature inside may be. Aware of the existence of dragons (and having a rough idea of their reproductive cycles), Gibbie was fairly certain that the scribe had found a strange and small subspecies of dragon, and decided to attempt to incubate the egg.
After hatching, Gibbie took the small creature in as a pet for the first two years of Stew's life - long enough to determine that he wasn't feral, loved stew, and could understand tone and base language - as well as remember amazingly specific events and points in time. After two years, Stew began speaking back to Gibbie, and unveiled his true intelligence. Fascinated by the creature (eventually named a "Kobold"), Gibbie began bringing him with her everywhere - and thus teaching him all that it was to be a Guild Master and a cartographer.


Though very aware of Stew's desire to explore rather than become cooped up in some guild hall, Gibbie still left leadership of the guild in the Kobolds hands. Specifically in her resignation speech, she explained that the borderline reckless behavior of the Kobold could "breathe some fresh air" into a rapidly stagnating group of explorers.
In many ways she was right, as the Kobold has been anything but a homebody within the guild. Instead, the small dragon is often found wandering the mountain range west of Orivos, or the jungles southeast of Selthame, jotting down small notes. When he is at the guild hall, it is often to rapid-fire ceremonies that have been put off for months and to fill in details on his almost insanely thorough maps.
Date of Birth
9th of The Scholar, 7a 1504
Year of Birth
1503 21 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales


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