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The small section of foothills to the east of Orivos, nestled between rather temperate pine forests, may seem a bit undesirable for most - small overlapping hills make for terrible building foundations or too much excavation, roads become problematic to build, and defenses are almost impossible to establish due to the many tiny valleys between. However, to a dwarf, halfling, or gnome - these hills are perfect for excavation. Small, clustered, and more soil than stone; the hills became the perfect settlement for gnomes and halflings as well as the occasional dwarf ready to retire. Westernshire was founded by the smaller folk of Aneirys some hundred or so years after the establishment of Orivos, and has remained relatively the same ever since. Large halfling families inhabit entire clusters of hills, which they've named boroughs. Gnomes have a tendency to build spires out of the top of their hills, while Dwarven hills are often multi-levelled tunnel systems that can hold entire generations at a time.


The smaller races, primarily Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings are best suited for life in Westernshire.


Each year a new governor is selected by one of the three races that make up the bulk of the population, rotating in a halfling-dwarf-gnome pattern.

Industry & Trade

Industry and trade in Westernshire focus on the finer things in life. Imports of raw foods, ore, and magical trinkets are changed and transformed into intricate and beautiful art pieces, or mechanisms unseen anywhere else. Food is prepared, cooked, or turned into written recipes to be exported.
Founding Date
7a 712
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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