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Fenfi Nutru (Fen-fee N-uuht-ruh)

Once a city dedicated to science and magic, Fenfi Nutru is now the capital city of the Anden Kingdom. Located on near the Lorensart Utana on the northern coast of central Anglence, the city became a hub for the revolution that founded the Anden Kingdom in 50 BCE, and became the capital of the newly founded nation.


While most of it's population is made up of regular humans, given that it is one of the biggest settlements on Anglence, there are reasonable sized populations of just about every species that inhabits Anglence that the Anden Kingdom doesn't kill on sight, and small populations of some that they would.


While the King does have a palace in the city, they do not deal with the day to day running of the city, instead there is a Earl who report directly to the King. Below the Earl is a council of elders who make decisions in the Earl's name.


The original city had little to no defenses, depending on the exact time period, but once it became the capital of the Anden Kingdom, a large outer wall was constructed at the outside of the city at the time. In addition to the outer wall, an inner citadel was constructed for the government district, with an Inner Keep for the King that was within yet another wall. In times of relative peace, the outer and citadel gates are keep open to allow for people to easy move in and out. Apart from the walls, the city between the outer wall and citadel has been redesigned over the years to slow the progress of anyone who might try to attack, although so far they have not been truly attacked except near the very beginning of the conquest in 15 CE.

Industry & Trade

Prior to becoming the capital of the Anden Kingdom, the city was produced various magical artifacts and mechanical marvels. In addition to producing products, the city was also a center for learning for magic users across the continent, and was had one of the best schools, near par to the Veldmathi school in their mainland city. Now the city still produces these things, but it has generalized out some with the massive increase in population.


Given it's proximity to the Lorensart Utana, the original city was built slighting up in the air on pillars to reduce flood damage and sinking. Over the years, this has produced a series of tunnels and 'underground' rooms located at or slightly below the surrounding ground level, but underneath the streets and buildings of the city.

Guilds and Factions

Almost all of the major guilds in Anglence have at least some sort of presence in the city, and many even have their headquarters located within the citadel with the government buildings. Some guilds that are based in the city are the Adventures Guild, Messengers Guild, and many more.


The oldest buildings in the city are built in a style similar to the Veldmathi, as they were both some of the better builders, and had a large population originally. In general, the buildings closer to the center of the city are older and fancier, although the citadel located to one side of the center has some of the fanciest buildings in the city, as it includes the Palace for the King.


Because of it's proximity to the ocean and the Lorensart Utana, the weather in the city is often rainy and deary, however they do ussaly get plenty of clear and sunny days, especially in the end of summer and into fall.
Founding Date
1,500 BCE
Owning Organization


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