BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Sessions 4-6: From Shit to Fuck

General Summary

After the brothers finish crafting the sword for the Lord Pimzric Bronzeheart, the party get together to walk to the cart, where they see a flaming arrow pierce across the sky, striking the cart, leaving a massive explosion in its wake. The explosion instantly kills a few bystanders. What little remains is an iron ingot, with the Netherworks clan insignia stamped onto it. During the aftermath of the explosion, we are introduced to Kaval, a half-orc cleric who assisted the party in helping the injured. Half of the party ran towards the origin on the arrow, where they found evidence of the sniper's nest. They followed the attacked for as far as they could before losing him.   After the attack and meeting Kaval, the party decided to Sending Gubbinz, in which he responded "The dark elf from the brothel took me, he has a large crossbow, we are going towards a large smoke plume, please help, gods bless Stålhjerte.” After learning of this, the party went to the closest brothel asking about Gubbinz. They discovered who the attacker was, a Drow named Riznet. The brothel workers informed the party where his house was in an attempt to ambush him. With no luck finding Riznet, they did discover a murderboard regarding the party, with images and detailed descriptions about them. After discovering this, they fled the house after cleaning up after themselves.   After sleeping in the inn, a note written in soap was found on the mirror of the brother's room. It was a ransom note regarding the time, place, and price for Gubbinz safe return. The party, not unexpectedly, took this as a threat and decided to ambush HIM in return but not without some preparation. Some of the party members decided to rob a jeweler in order to acquire some expensive diamonds for spell materials, unfortunately, due to some poor planning, the diamonds that were stolen were only worth roughly 20 GP each. There was also an encounter with some regards, but nothing out of the ordinary. After scouting out the Netherwords clans operating area, they decided to explode the tnt room, in which a massive explosion took place, killing easily more than 20 people. With the explosion as a suitable distraction, the party ran into the clans quarters, finding where Gubbinz was being kept prisoner; inside a locked warehouse. Riznet, firing on Orion, for being a loud lockpicker, sent the party and Riznet and his people into a fight. The party being victorious, saved Gubbinz, killed and looted Riznet, and fled the scene.   Unfortunately, the massive explosion of the tnt room, shook the city, putting the entire city into lockdown. All the gates were closed and there were hints of panic beginning to spread. A clever Orion cast a spell that made it appear that there was a dragon in the city, and hopefully become the reason for the explosion. With the presence of the dragon, the party managed to convince a guard, with the help of suggestion, to open the gates to allow people to escape the city.   After the party's escape, and flee onto the southwest road, the decided to make their way to Barakimb. On their way they heard a loud howl coming from the mountains a few days from when they left the city. After discovering a smooshed dear, they decided not to investigate.   Once they arrived at the city of Barakimb, the weather finally began to get nicer, as the sun was shining and weather was becoming more tolerable. The party members, including Kaval, each did some small time errands on their own, from acquiring a working permit for crafting with the brothers, to Vulcan and Kaval visiting the docks to see the sea. As well as Orion turning in the image of The Pale Horse to a Order of the Scribes shop. Orion learned that after completing that job, that there was a minor threat that came with looking at the painting that him and Titas, the shop keep, somewhat nervously laughed off. Orion also learned that the initiation of the Order of the Scribes was now available to him as the has proved himself, though, the initiation is not without its threats...   Grabble Grasp, while in the city, decided to visit the local temple of Bahamut, where he announced to the temple workers, and current churchgoers that he was their Mosiah. After some confusion and discussion with the head of the temple in his private office, Grabble Grasp was offered a prair and a room to sleep whenever he needed.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Riznet (Dead)
  • Pimzric Bronzeheart
  • Gravel
  • Kaval Guardo


This was the sessions where Kaval Guardo was introduced.
Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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