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Welcome to Barakimb, a city of captivating contrasts nestled on the northern edge of a vast continent! Barakimb boasts a unique blend of rugged natural beauty and urban charm that will leave you in awe from the moment you set foot within its walls. At the heart of the city lies the bustling port, serving as a hub for trade and commerce with neighboring cities and nations. Here, fishermen ply their trade, bringing in fresh seafood to the markets and restaurants within the city walls. The streets are alive with the sounds of vendors hawking their wares, street performers entertaining the crowds, and the general hum of commerce.   The imposing palace of Lord Daltus, ruler of Barakimb, serves as the city's seat of power. The city is also home to a number of influential individuals known as the trade princes, who hold great sway over the city's economy and politics. While each prince may have their own agenda, they are united in their desire to see Barakimb prosper.   Beyond the city walls lies the rugged natural beauty of the mountains to the north and the wilderness to the south. Here, adventurers can find danger and excitement as they explore the unknown. For those seeking a more relaxed experience, the city offers a wide variety of cultural and historical sites to visit, from the grand temples of popular deities to the bustling marketplaces that offer a glimpse into the city's rich history and culture.  

Trade Princes

The Trade Princes are a council of powerful business leaders who control different industries in the city and work together to maintain the city's economic and political power.
  • Lord Aric Daltus: As the head of the Trade Princes, Daltus is a skilled negotiator and diplomat, with a reputation for being able to talk his way out of any situation. He is known for his smooth-talking charm and his ability to strike a deal that benefits both parties.
  • Orin Silverhand: Orin is the leader of the Silverhand Trading Company, and is known for his impeccable taste and his love of luxury. He has an eye for quality and a talent for finding the most valuable and sought-after items to trade.
  • Jarek Blackwood: Jarek is the head of the Blackwood Lumber Consortium, and is a shrewd businessman with a talent for negotiation. He is known for his ability to outmaneuver his competition and maintain a stranglehold on the lumber industry.
  • Talia Stormborn: Talia is the leader of the Stormborn Shipping Company, and is known for her fierce independence and her adventurous spirit. She is a skilled navigator and captain, and is often found at the helm of one of her company's ships, sailing into uncharted waters.
  • Valtor Redbeard: Valtor is the head of the Redbeard Mining Guild, and is a proud and fiercely loyal leader. He is known for his devotion to his workers and his commitment to ensuring that their safety and well-being is always a top priority.
  • Gideon Stonefist: Gideon is the leader of the Stonefist Mercantile Company, and is a battle-hardened warrior with a reputation for his bravery and tenacity. He is often called upon to provide arms and equipment for the city's defenders, and is always willing to put himself in harm's way to protect his city and its people.


Barakimb is a city-state ruled by a hereditary lord, Lord Aric Daltus. He resides in the grand palace at the heart of the city, overseeing the daily affairs of the city and its people. While Lord Daltus holds the ultimate authority, he is advised by a council of influential individuals known as the trade princes. The princes each hold great power in their respective areas of expertise, from finance to trade to defense, and are often at odds with each other over their competing interests. Despite their disagreements, the trade princes work together for the common goal of ensuring Barakimb remains a prosperous and thriving city. The city is also home to a dedicated group of city watchmen who maintain order and enforce the laws set forth by Lord Daltus and his council. Together, these institutions form the backbone of Barakimb's government, ensuring the city continues to thrive in a challenging and often dangerous world.


The city of Barakimb has a well-organized system of defenses to protect its citizens from external threats. The city walls are guarded by watchtowers that provide a clear view of the surrounding areas, and the gates are heavily fortified to prevent unauthorized entry. The city watch patrols the streets, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble or potential threats. The watch is well-trained and equipped with weapons and armor to defend themselves and the city in case of an attack.   The city's coastal and naval defenses are equally impressive. A fleet of ships is stationed at the port, ready to intercept any hostile vessels that may attempt to breach the city's defenses by sea. The ships are crewed by skilled sailors and armed with powerful cannons to defend against naval assaults.  


Barakimb's crime rate is a constant concern for both its citizens and visitors. While the city watch does its best to maintain order, the presence of a thriving black market and the influence of the trade princes have led to an increase in criminal activity. Pickpocketing, burglary, and smuggling are common occurrences, and travelers are advised to be vigilant of their surroundings at all times. Additionally, there are rumors of a notorious thieves' guild operating within the city, although the city watch has yet to confirm its existence. Despite these challenges, the citizens of Barakimb are resilient and continue to work towards making their city a safer place for all.

Industry & Trade

Barakimb is a bustling port city, making trade and commerce a major component of its economy. The city's strategic location on the northern coast allows it to serve as a hub for trade with neighboring cities and nations. Ships of all sizes, from small fishing boats to massive cargo vessels, can be seen coming and going from the harbor. The city's industries are largely centered around the sea. Fishing is a major industry, with the local fishermen bringing in fresh seafood that is sold in the markets and used in the city's restaurants. Shipbuilding is also an important industry, with skilled craftsmen building and repairing ships of all kinds.   In addition to its maritime industries, Barakimb is also known for its skilled artisans and craftsmen. The city is home to a number of skilled metalworkers, woodworkers, and weavers who produce high-quality goods that are sold both locally and abroad.   The city's trade is largely facilitated by the influential trade princes, who hold a great deal of power over the city's economy. These powerful individuals each control a different aspect of the city's trade, from the import and export of goods to the sale of raw materials.   Overall, Barakimb's industry and trade are vibrant and thriving, making it a vital hub of commerce in the region.

Guilds and Factions

Within Barakimb, there are several major guilds that hold significant influence and power within the city, including the Brotherhood of the Coast, the Ironclad Masons, the Sapphire Syndicate, and the Shipwrights' League. Each guild has its own set of rules, regulations, and trade secrets, and they are known for their ability to work together to drive the city's economy forward.
Large city
Owning Organization


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