Reading Challenge

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Reading Challenge

I sponsored a prompt for summer camp this year. There were 218 submissions! So that has taken up most of my reading capacity. That also meant I needed an efficient plan for the August Reading Challenge. My decision making capacity was low after picking the sponsored prompt short list. So, I asked World Anvil members on my discord server to give me an article from their Summer Camp efforts if they participated. I got 5 articles that way. Then to top it off I picked 5 of the articles from my sponsored prompt that were really great but couldn't be squeezed into the short list. Here they are!  

From my Friends

Ooo! These are really good articles.

Stewart's Room
Building / Landmark | Jul 15, 2024
The Scylla
Vehicle | Jul 24, 2024
Planktonic Storm
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 30, 2024

A deadly storm, invisible to the eye.

SummerCamp 2024 Guardian Beast
Military Formation | Sep 7, 2024
The Vanguard Revolution
Military Conflict | Aug 19, 2024

Led by General Augustas Malvarro, the Vanguard Revolution on 3rd Mara 1331 enforced momentous change in Western Elvara with the deposition Duke Tarryn and the rise of the Empire of Malvarron.


From the Sponsored Prompt

I wish they could all have prizes!

Rune Loop
Item | Aug 30, 2024
Guardian Amulet
Item | Jul 27, 2024
Walking Stick of Stickiness
Item | Aug 3, 2024
Orison Coin
Item | Jul 9, 2024
Personal Communicators
Item | Jul 12, 2024

Rest of 2024 Writing Goals

There is a writing challenge coming up in September on World Anvil! I'm looking forward to that. I also plan to complete a short story for submitting to literary journals in September. During fall I want to finish several one-shot ttrpg adventures to playtest in December. Throughout the fall I want to complete edits to Summer Camp articles and add a few more flash fiction stories to my world. I'm aiming for 80,000 words completed by the end of World Ember. I'm at 46,000 so far - progress is good.

Let Lavani Review Your Article!
Lavani's Reading List
Generic article | Sep 10, 2024

Submit your story to my reading list by making a comment! I'll read it then give you a review. I promote my list on Social Media. My friend, George, will share it on the World Anvil Community User Stream and Discord.

My Sponsored Prompt

"A Personal Item That Keeps You Safe"

Everyone on the short list got an 800x800 png image of their item!


The grand prize was a $50 digital gift card for a writing or ttrpg training class with the Storytelling Collective.


Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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Aug 24, 2024 17:31 by Mochi

Thank you so much for including my Planktonic Storms! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
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