
Antlerless Dactyllians, distinguished by the absence of formal headdress, comprise a diverse group of hooved mammals varying in size, temperament, and abilities. Despite lacking the regal adornments of their Antlered counterparts, Antlerless Dactyllians possess unique traits and skills that contribute to their resilience and versatility.

Physical Characteristics

  Antlerless Dactyllians exhibit a wide range of personalities and appearances, reflecting the diversity within their subrace. While lacking the symbolic antlers or horns, they do not allow this absence to define them, embracing their individual strengths and capabilities.

Ancestral Lineage

  Antlerless Dactyllians inherit distinctive traits based on their ancestral lineage, enhancing their abilities and defining their roles within Dactyllian society:


Endowed with exceptional stamina, Horse/Zebra Antlerless Dactyllians can travel for extended periods without fatigue and can sprint for short distances.


Exceptionally resilient, Donkey/Mule Antlerless Dactyllians can carry heavy loads without tiring.


Adapted to arid environments, Camel Antlerless Dactyllians can store fat in their humps to sustain themselves without food or water for extended periods.


Possessing wooly coats that provide resistance to cold, Sheep/Llama Antlerless Dactyllians exhibit demure personalities.


Endowed with charisma and charm, Cow Antlerless Dactyllians frequently get their way by "distracting" with their large "personalities".


Featuring iron bellies and immunity to ingested poisons, Pig Antlerless Dactyllians have developed robust digestive systems, allowing them to consume a wide variety of substances without adverse effects.


Antlerless Dactyllians may be categorized by their lack of formal headdress, but they don't let that limit them. This subrace consists of a diverse group of antlerless hooved mammals who range greatly in size and personality.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 40ft walking, 10ft swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


The proud Dactyllian race consists of a diverse range of hooved Mammallians. Generally tall and either agile and slender or strong and muscular, the Dactyllians are all powerhouses of athleticism. With few exceptions, most live in large extended family groups among even larger community herds.
Dactyllians are known for being devoted to their homeland and communities, loyal to their friends and family, and hard workers. While there exists a stereotype that they are gullible and not particularly bright, this is generally an unfair assessment deriving from a culture that values trust and modesty.
ability score increase: +1 to Strength
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 40ft walking, 10ft swimming
sub races:
race features:

Ability Score Increase

Natural powerhouses, Dactyllians receive +1 to Strength.

Natural Athlete

Natural Athletes, Dactyllians are all proficient in Athletics.
race features:

Natural Resilience

As a hooved animal born to endure harsh conditions and travel long distances, you have a naturally strong consitution. You begin with +1 HP and gain an additional 1 HP each time you gain a level.

Ancestral Lineage


You have an unnaturally high stamina. You can travel for double the normal (8) amount of hours in a travelling day before needing to roll for exhaustion on subsequent hours. You also have the ability to pass an Athletics Check to double your movement speed on normal terrain for one turn (combat) or one hour (non-combat).


You are extremely resilient and can keep pushing on when others cannot. You have advantage on any saving throw or check to resist taking a point of exhaustion. In addition, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.


You are able to store fat in your humps to keep yourself from suffering fatigue from not eating or drinking. You can go a number of days without food equal to your Constitution score and can survive without water for half as long. You also have +1 Survival.


Your wooly coat provides you resistance to Cold damage. Your naturally demure personality gives you advantage on deception and stealth checks, but you have disadvantage on intimidation checks.


Since you have such a good pair of 'personalities', your endowment distracts anyone you speak to and gives you advantage on Charisma checks.


Your iron belly has developed to consume almost anything for nourishment and has given you an immunity to ingested poison.