
Dolphin Cetacea are characterized by their overtly social nature, exceptional intelligence, and free-spirited demeanor. Renowned for their outgoing personalities, Dolphin Cetaceans are often the life of the party, effortlessly captivating those around them with their charm and charisma. Despite their popularity, Dolphin Cetaceans remain remarkably modest and good-hearted, often unaware of the attention they attract. Their sociable nature fosters strong bonds within their communities, as they prioritize cooperation, camaraderie, and mutual support.


Dolphin Cetacean are known for being overtly social in nature, incredibly free-spirited, and above average in intelligence. They are often the most popular in any crowd they are in, but are almost always so modest and good-hearted that they are oblivious to the attention.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: [blocklink:


Cetaceans are the coalescion of Mammalians and the Aquatics. Spending the majority of their time underwater, they are often welcomed among both Mammalians and Bonefish. Split between Whales & Dolphins, the Cetaceans are a generally peaceful race whose culture emphasizes achieving spiritual levels of serenity.
Breathing air, they are able to emerge from their aquatic homes at will without the need of a magic source to be on land, but it is unlikely that they will stray far from some source of water. However, to walk on land requires a shifting spell that each Cetacean is traditionally gifted on their 13th birthday. This spell allows them to shift their tail to legs and back again at will.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 20ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
sub races:
race features:

Blubber Butt

Your body is wrapped in a thick layer of fat used for thermal insulation which gives you a smooth, streamlined body. You have resistance to cold damage.

Adapted Lungs

Living underwater has increased your lung capacity. You can hold your breath for 30 + 10x your CON modifier in minutes.
race features:

Problem Solver

Your brain is hardwired to crack puzzles. You have advantage on all Investigation checks and proficiency in a single Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill of your choice.


By emitting audible clicks from their forehead, Dolphins gain Darkvision for 20 ft. on land, and 50 ft. under water. This also penetrates organic matter, allowing for some rudimentary imaging that increases in accuracy as you level up.