
Cetaceans are a unique and enigmatic race that represents the fusion of Mammalians and Aquatics. Primarily dwelling in the vast expanse of the Cetacea Sea within the Mammalia region, Cetaceans are revered for their harmonious existence between the realms of land and sea.

Hybrid Nature

  Cetaceans embody a harmonious blend of mammalian and aquatic traits, seamlessly transitioning between their terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Split between three main subgroups, Orcas, Whales and Dolphins, Cetaceans exhibit a diverse array of physical and cultural characteristics that reflect their dual heritage.

Spiritual Serenity

  Central to Cetacean culture is the pursuit of spiritual serenity and enlightenment. Emphasizing inner peace and harmony, Cetaceans strive to achieve spiritual enlightenment through meditation, introspection, and communion with the natural world. Their culture is deeply rooted in reverence for the interconnectedness of all life and the sanctity of the oceanic realm.

Terrestial Abilities

  Despite their aquatic nature, Cetaceans breathe air, requiring them to emerge from their underwater homes periodically. While they may venture onto land, Cetaceans typically remain in close proximity to sources of water, as their aquatic nature drives a core desire to stay close to the safety of their underwater domain.  

Shifting Spell

  To navigate the terrestrial realm, Cetaceans are traditionally gifted with a shifting spell on their 13th birthday. This spell is tattooed onto them and enables them to transform their tails into legs and back again at will, facilitating their movement on land while preserving their connection to the sea. While capable of walking on land, Cetaceans often maintain a deep affinity for their aquatic home and return to the sea whenever possible.

Cultural Significance

  Cetaceans occupy a unique and revered position within the cultural tapestry of the Mammalia region. Renowned for their spiritual wisdom and harmonious existence, Cetaceans serve as emissaries of peace and enlightenment, fostering unity and understanding between land-dwelling Mammalians and aquatic Bonefish. Their culture emphasizes the importance of spiritual serenity, environmental stewardship, and interconnectedness with the natural world.
Genetic Descendants


Cetaceans are the coalescion of Mammalians and the Aquatics. Spending the majority of their time underwater, they are often welcomed among both Mammalians and Bonefish. Split between Whales & Dolphins, the Cetaceans are a generally peaceful race whose culture emphasizes achieving spiritual levels of serenity.
Breathing air, they are able to emerge from their aquatic homes at will without the need of a magic source to be on land, but it is unlikely that they will stray far from some source of water. However, to walk on land requires a shifting spell that each Cetacean is traditionally gifted on their 13th birthday. This spell allows them to shift their tail to legs and back again at will.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 20ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
sub races:


Orca Cetacean are the exception to the peace-loving race. They are known for being fierce warriors and their ability to work together as a team to take down much larger and stronger enemies. Mid-sized for their race, they stand at about 10 feet tall on average.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Brutal bite

Your bite, specially designed for gripping and tearing, is an effective melee weapon. You may make a Bite Attack dealing 1d6 piercing damage instead of the standard Unarmed Strike. In addition, when you hit with your bite attack, you can attempt to grapple the target. If you grapple a smaller target in this way, you can still attack them with your Bite.

Share the Kill

Hunting in a pod has trained you to play off your allies' strengths and cover their weakness. Whenever you and one or more allies are within five feet of the same enemy creature, you each gain a +3 bonus to melee attack rolls.


Dolphin Cetacean are known for being overtly social in nature, incredibly free-spirited, and above average in intelligence. They are often the most popular in any crowd they are in, but are almost always so modest and good-hearted that they are oblivious to the attention.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Problem Solver

Your brain is hardwired to crack puzzles. You have advantage on all Investigation checks and proficiency in a single Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill of your choice.


By emitting audible clicks from their forehead, Dolphins gain Darkvision for 20 ft. on land, and 50 ft. under water. This also penetrates organic matter, allowing for some rudimentary imaging that increases in accuracy as you level up.


Whale Cetaceans are the largest of any race, standing at an impressive 10-12 feet tall. Their species is also one of the most long-lived of the races on Chordata. Along with the Tortoise Reptilians, their long lives have resulted in the Whales being stereotyped as possessing great wisdom. Their elders are particularly admired as wise and knowledgeable, and are occasionally sought out on pilgrimages by folks seeking advice or answers.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Large
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
parent race: ]
race features:

Dwellers of the Deep

You can carry passengers of any size smaller than you on your back while you are swimming. You can hold your breath for up to 60 + 10x your CON modifier in minutes. You also have resistance to Cold damage.

Towering Presence

You can use your Strength or Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making an Intimidation check.
race features:

Blubber Butt

Your body is wrapped in a thick layer of fat used for thermal insulation which gives you a smooth, streamlined body. You have resistance to cold damage.

Adapted Lungs

Living underwater has increased your lung capacity. You can hold your breath for 30 + 10x your CON modifier in minutes.