
Grizzly Ursidae are a formidable subrace characterized by their impressive size, standing at approximately 7 feet tall. Fiercely protective, honorable, and strong, Grizzly Bears embody the virtues of courage, resilience, and diplomacy as they roam the forests in nomadic bands.

Nomadic Lifestyle

  Grizzly Ursidae are nomadic by nature, eschewing permanent settlements in favor of a life of freedom and mobility. They roam from forest to forest, traversing vast territories in search of food, shelter, and adventure. This nomadic lifestyle fosters a strong sense of independence and self-reliance among Grizzly Bears, as they navigate the challenges of the wilderness with skill and determination.

Protective and Honorable

  Grizzly Ursidae are renowned for their fierce protectiveness and unwavering sense of honor. They hold themselves to a strict code of conduct, valuing loyalty, integrity, and bravery above all else. Grizzly Bears are fiercely protective of their families, clans, and territories, demonstrating courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

Friendly and Diplomatic

  Despite their formidable reputation, Grizzly Ursidae are surprisingly friendly and diplomatic in their dealings with outsiders. Their nomadic lifestyle exposes them to a wide range of cultures and civilizations, leading them to develop strong diplomatic skills and a friendly disposition toward strangers. Grizzly Bears welcome peaceful interactions with outsiders, forging alliances and friendships through mutual respect and understanding.

Cultural Significance

  Grizzly Ursidae play a vital role in the cultural tapestry of Ursidae society, embodying values of courage, honor, and diplomacy. Their nomadic lifestyle instills a sense of freedom and adventure, as Grizzly Bears roam the forests in search of new experiences and encounters. Respected and admired for their protective nature and diplomatic prowess, Grizzly Ursidae serve as ambassadors of peace and goodwill, fostering positive relations between their nomadic bands and neighboring communities.


Grizzly Ursidae, or sometimes called Brown Ursidae, are average sized for Ursidae, standing at ~7 feet. Fiercely protective, honorable, and strong, they are nomadic moving from forest to forest versus creating settlements. Due to their nomadic nature, these Ursidae have more frequent dealings with outsiders which has led them to be more friendly and diplomatic than many of their cousins.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
parent race: [blocklink:


Ursidae are massive people of iron resolve and deep nobility, resembling bears that walk upright rather than all fours. Ursidae put their trust in family and tribe to stand against the world.
Ursidae have broad shoulders and massive hands that are dexterous and clawed. Their muscles develop early in life, and most look it. Their physiques tend toward great bulk beneath shaggy fur. Even the slenderest are quite strong. They’re covered in shaggy fur that can have a range of colors, depending on subrace.
Their intimidating presence is no mere facade. Ursidae have a deep and impressive capacity for violence when roused to anger or in defense of their own. They have strong parental instincts and are willing to fight to protect their clans and families. Powerful and protective they tend to be wary of outsiders but make very loyal allies.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:
race features:

Keen Smell

You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on smell.

Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Teeth & Claws

Your mighty jaws are packed with sharp teeth and your claws are sharp as knives. You can make a melee attack with them, biting and clawing at a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit you deal 2d6 slashing damage + your Strength modifier. You are proficient in these attacks.
race features:

Call of the Wild

Due to your nomadic, wilderness lifestyle you are proficient in survival skills.

Brother Bear

When an ally within 5 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw, you may choose to have the effect target you instead. This feature can be used twice per short rest.