
Polar Ursidae stand as the frozen tundra-native subrace of the Ursidae, characterized by their stark white fur and imposing stature. Towering at 7-8 feet tall, Polar Bears are formidable beings shaped by the harsh, unforgiving climate of their icy domain. Fiercely territorial and aggressive to outsiders, Polar Ursidae command respect and fear as they navigate the frozen wastelands of their homeland.

Harsh Environment

  Polar Ursidae are well-adapted to the extreme conditions of the frozen tundra, where icy winds and biting cold are constant companions. Their thick white fur provides insulation against the frigid temperatures, while their large size and muscular build enable them to withstand the harsh elements with resilience and fortitude. Polar Bears are skilled hunters, adept at tracking and capturing prey amidst the vast, desolate landscape of their icy domain.

Territorial Nature

  Due to the scarcity of resources in their frozen homeland, Polar Ursidae are fiercely territorial and protective of their territories. They guard their settlements with vigilance, driving off any intruders or rivals who dare to encroach upon their domain. Polar Bears are known for their aggressive behavior towards outsiders, especially during particularly cold and harsh winters when resources are scarce.

Clan Warfare

  In some cases, Polar Ursidae clans may engage in territorial disputes and conflicts with neighboring settlements during times of scarcity. These clashes can escalate into open warfare, with rival clans battling for control of vital resources such as food and shelter. Polar Bears display formidable strength and ferocity in combat, defending their territories with ruthless determination and skill.

Cultural Significance

  Polar Ursidae play a vital role in the cultural landscape of Ursidae society, embodying values of strength, resilience, and territoriality. Their harsh environment and aggressive nature shape their cultural practices, as they navigate the challenges of survival amidst the frozen tundra. Despite their fearsome reputation, Polars are fiercely loyal to their clans and families, forging bonds of kinship and solidarity amidst the icy wilderness of their homeland.


Polar Ursidae, or Polar Bears, are the frozen tundra-native subrace of the Ursidae. Easily recognizable by their stark white fur, they are tall among their race standing at 7-8 feet. Due to the harsh, inhospitable climate of where they dwell, the Polar Ursidae are fiercely territorial and aggressive to outsiders. Some clans are known to attack other settlements during particularly cold, harsh winters.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Swimming, 10 ft Climbing
parent race: [blocklink:


Ursidae are massive people of iron resolve and deep nobility, resembling bears that walk upright rather than all fours. Ursidae put their trust in family and tribe to stand against the world.
Ursidae have broad shoulders and massive hands that are dexterous and clawed. Their muscles develop early in life, and most look it. Their physiques tend toward great bulk beneath shaggy fur. Even the slenderest are quite strong. They’re covered in shaggy fur that can have a range of colors, depending on subrace.
Their intimidating presence is no mere facade. Ursidae have a deep and impressive capacity for violence when roused to anger or in defense of their own. They have strong parental instincts and are willing to fight to protect their clans and families. Powerful and protective they tend to be wary of outsiders but make very loyal allies.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Swimming/Climbing
sub races:
race features:

Keen Smell

You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on smell.

Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Teeth & Claws

Your mighty jaws are packed with sharp teeth and your claws are sharp as knives. You can make a melee attack with them, biting and clawing at a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit you deal 2d6 slashing damage + your Strength modifier. You are proficient in these attacks.
race features:

Winter Coat

You can weather the coldest temperatures and can survive in driving snow and freezing rain. You have resistance to Cold Damage.

Strong Swimmer

You are an adept swimmer and have +10 swimming speed (20 ft total).