
The Pachyderms, majestic giants of Mammalia, command awe and respect with their towering presence and deep-rooted wisdom. Hailing primarily from the country of Pachydermy, these noble beings encompass diverse subraces, each contributing to the rich tapestry of Pachyderm culture and heritage.
  With their massive frames, iconic trunks, and imposing tusks, Elephants stand as symbols of wisdom and serenity. Renowned for their peaceful and diplomatic nature, Elephants are revered as wise counselors and stalwart guardians of harmony.
  Characterized by their formidable horns and robust stature, Rhinos embody strength and resilience. Known for their combative disposition, Rhinos are formidable warriors, unyielding in defense of their kin and territory.
  Despite their lesser numbers, Hippos possess a formidable presence and an affinity for aquatic habitats. Reclusive by nature, Hippos navigate the waters with grace and stealth, their massive bodies belied by surprising agility.
  The Tapirs, with their unique appearance and tranquil demeanor, embody an air of mystery and tranquility. Preferring solitude, Tapirs navigate the dense forests with ease, their presence a calming influence amidst the bustling world.

Culture and Heritage:

  Pachyderm society is steeped in reverence for the planet's history and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Elders, revered for their wisdom and experience, hold positions of authority, guiding their communities with sagacity and foresight.

Harmony and Conflict:

  While Elephants strive for peace and cooperation, Rhinos stand ever vigilant, ready to defend against threats to their homeland. Despite their differing dispositions, both subraces share a deep-seated commitment to the welfare of Pachydermy and its inhabitants.
Genetic Descendants