
Rhino Pachyderms are renowned across the land for their formidable prowess in warfare and unyielding commitment to tradition. Among the most warlike races, they excel in all aspects of military strategy and tactics, making them fearsome adversaries on the battlefield.
  As leaders in siege warfare, Rhino Pachyderms are often at the forefront of conflicts, engaging in battles with unmatched ferocity and determination. Rarely does a conflict arise in which they do not play a role, their relentless pursuit of victory driving them to engage in combat at every opportunity.
  Despite their martial nature, Rhino Pachyderms hold a deep respect for strength and tradition. They possess a profound knowledge of the planet's history, using it to inform their military strategies and decision-making processes. Displays of strength and valor are highly esteemed among their kind, and they are often swayed by individuals who demonstrate exceptional prowess and leadership.
  While war is a central aspect of Rhino Pachyderm culture, they are not without nuance. They may be persuaded away from direct conflict if they believe strongly in their leader's cause or if they perceive their opponent to be significantly stronger. However, once engaged in battle, they will not relent until victory is achieved, displaying unwavering determination and resolve.
  In times of peace, Rhino Pachyderms uphold their traditions with reverence, ensuring that the customs and practices of their ancestors are preserved and honored. Their steadfast commitment to strength, tradition, and martial excellence solidifies their reputation as formidable warriors and guardians of their heritage.


Rhinos lead the way in siege warfare. As one of the most war-happy races, it is rare to not see them engaged in a conflict...even if they have no part in it to begin with. They have mastered all the arts that is warfare, from infantry combat to full scale conquest. Woe be to the adversaries of the Rhinos, for they won't stop until they win.
War aside, Rhinos value strength and tradition. They possess a deep knowledge of the planet's history, if only to use to their advantage in military strategy. They respect displays of strength and may be persuaded away from direct conflict if they feel strongly enough in their leader's cause and/or individual strength.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Large
speed: 30ft Walking
parent race: [blocklink:


The Pachyderms of Chordata consist of some of the largest members of the planets many races. The two most populous subraces are the Elephants and the Rhinos, the Pachs are revered for their stature, wisdom, and deep respect for the planet's history. The primary differences between the two subraces are their appearance, Elephants possessing massive trunks and tusks while Rhinos possess sharp, powerful horns. They also have notably opposing dispositions, Elephants being known for being peaceful and diplomatic, while Rhinos are known for being warmongering and combative. Less populous, the Hippo and Tapir subraces round out this group with their more reclusive lifestyles.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Large
speed: 30ft Walking
sub races:
race features:

Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Natural Armor

You have thick, leathery skin. Your natural AC is no less than 12.
race features:

Ability Score Increase

You've trained in combat since an early age, providing you +2 Strength and +1 Constitution bonuses (up to 20 max).  


Immediately after taking the Dash action, you can make an attack with your horn, as a bonus action, provided the creature is within range and you have moved more than 15 feet in a straight line towards the target. Upon hit, your horn deals 1d6 piercing damage plus your strength modifier.