Ichtytalus Character in Animoterra | World Anvil
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Guardian of the Water Ichtytalus Liyt-berd (a.k.a. Sweet-gills)

She is the Guardian of the Waters. It is her job to maintain the oceans and rivers. While she has gills and fins, she can climb across land if needed, while not enjoying it. At first glance she looks similar to a giant fish, but she's much more complicated than that.

Divine Domains

All Water sources.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

She's trying to fine a design she likes.


She takes part in the Christmas Truce, although, she only gives things.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She just wants everyone to be at peace with each other.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is good condition, never really being sick before. She does however, get sun-burnt quite easily, which forces her to come out of water primarily at night or cloudy days.

Body Features

She has bright blue orange and green scale plates covering her body, and has a large beak-like mouth. She also has gills used for underwater respiration. Her needle teeth are useful for snatching fish out of the water.

Facial Features

She has a lot of small scales on her face, giving her more actively moving facial features. Her eyes are situated pointing forwards and she also has an almost eternal smile on her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Her tail has a bit missing off of it. It was given, or taken, i should say, when a large Cremlord mistook her for a fish, after which, he quickly apologized and swam off.

Physical quirks

When she walks on land, she moves more like a seal than anything else. She also hops around at any time possible.

Special abilities

She can control water to her will for the most part (she still has some learning left)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as a Barbro, she was chosen to be a Guardian of the Waters. At the time, she had no idea what this meant, she just wanted to help out. As time went on she began to change from a humanoid creature to the form she is now, much more aquatic and well balanced for water. She then had her training, each new Guardian gets trained by an original. She was taught how to move water currents and waves, and how to speak to the wildlife.

Gender Identity



Heterosexual. She also is slightly obsessed with Caverticus, but doesn't want to seem clingy.


Her only education was about a year an a half, before she was chosen, and her training.


Like Caverticus, her only job is being a Guardian.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She once stopped a flood that would have destroyed the Keepers Village, and still receives grace and is proud of herself for it.

Failures & Embarrassments

She once accidentally caused a flood that almost destroyed the Keepers Village. She quickly learned to not use much force when changing wave height.

Mental Trauma

Oddly enough, she is terrified of any animal that has bioluminescence, other than herself, as she has small spots of the glowing material.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is very silly and quirky, making weird faces all the time and just, being weird. She does a good job at analyzing a situation before barging in and is good at leaving the fight if necessary.

Morality & Philosophy

She doesn't really have one.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She hates to be mentally tested, she just wants to be set free into the world.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes Caverticus, hates being dirty though. She also likes to spend time sleeping either under a tree or on the bottom of rivers.

Virtues & Personality perks

Slightly loud when she talks, but it's only our of pure excitement.

Vices & Personality flaws

She loves to snuggle with Bloats, because, "They are so soft!!" (Everyone is sure she's still mentally at the age of five.)

Personality Quirks

She's easily angered if someone's mean to someone else. She isn't afraid to splash someone with water, hard.


Contacts & Relations

She has contacts with more of the water animals, except the animals she eats.

Family Ties

Most of her family tree died off a while ago, but she still has her great-great (a few more)-great niece, who says she's the coolest aunt anyone could ever have.

Religious Views

She doesn't really have one, she just goes with the flow.

Social Aptitude

Confident when speaking


Whenever she's annoyed, her frills on her cheeks vibrate, if she's mad enough, her back and tail frills will too.

Hobbies & Pets

She doesn't really have a pet, but she does have a certain Bloat she's really fond of, and snuggles with the most.


She has insults such as, "Stop being such a Bloat buster!" Then there are her compliments, such as, "You're as pretty as a pearl" and, "I love you as much as i love grass."

When she swears, which is very rare, she will instinctively block it out of her speak by growling or making other noises.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Caverticus




Friend (Important)

Towards Ichtytalus




While Caverticus is trying to get her attention, she's trying to do the same. But when he's away making caves, and she's in the water with nothing to do, she listens to him digging under the ground. Sometimes she tries to dig, too, but that doesn't work well, fins aren't designed to be shovels. They hang out with each other and relax every few nights, especially when they travel to towns for a bit of more homely food.

Nicknames & Petnames

While Caverticus is sometimes called 'twinkle-toes', Ichtytalus has the nickname of Sweet-gills. She doesn't know why exactly he chose that name, but she thinks its cute.

Relationship Reasoning

Mainly because they like the others company and their jobs are somewhat similar. Caverticus carves the caves and tunnels, but Ichtytalus can carve caves away too, using water instead.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Their shared body shape is a big commonality, but they also like each others company.

Shared Secrets

They often talk about how life was before meeting the other, and Ichtytalus especially was amazed at the changes that have taken place.

Wealth & Financial state

She doesn't really have or understand wealth, but was amazed to see young Animoterrans walking down the beach, looking for lost coins and things.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the water, Water Guardian
Year of Birth
709 AVP 2345 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She was born as a normal Barbro, but was chosen by the Guardians to be a Water Guardian.
Circumstances of Death
Like all Guardians, she doesn't know if she can die or not.
Current Residence
A cave down the beach from her home village
Deep, blue eyes
No hair, but she sometimes tries to style her crests and fins, to utter disappointment.
Roughly 4" 9'
No one is really sure
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Oh my gosh! Grass feels AMAZING!!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She knows the native language, and many of the ocean animals' languages too.
Character Prototype
Hmm.... maybe the water horse? Honestly i don't know..

Much of her behavior characteristics were inspired from Sunny from Wings of Fire

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