Gipel Gardanson
Gipel is a male Guardian Nephilim Guardian Fighter. Gipel was born and raised in Caeledonia. At some point, Gipel attempted to infiltrate Atlantis, but upon accepting an El spirit, he was convinced to work for Thoth as a double-agent, gathering information about An-El movements and plans. He warned Thoth of the final assault on Maru Base and was appointed the Security Chief of the Kairos crew.
Gipel's father, Gard-An, was the Archan of Defense, responsible for protecting An's creations. At the end of the First War, Gard-An determined that An himself had become the greates threat to his creations, and betrayed the other Archans, helping seal them inside the Grand Temple of An.
Gipel's mother is Lilliana and has two known siblings, a younger sister, Viriel Lilysdottr, and a younger half-brother, Asniel Gardanson.