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Elves compete with the Keerim to be known as the oldest, wisest, and most intelligent species in the galaxy. Often slender and refined, Elves are characterized by their immensely long lifespans and staunch culture that spans back thousands of years if not longer. They are often spry and quick to notice small details, taking pride in a certain level of perfectionism when it comes to creating or designing new arts and technologies. Though their natural dexterity is famous, Elves are on occasion more frail than their Human counterparts. This however is only seen as an extra challenge to overcome with discipline and a strong research ethic- for after all, is knowledge not the ultimate power?

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Similar to other humanoids of Tirer, Elves reproduce heterosexually via male and female members of the species, excluding some advanced genetic tools developed in recent centuries that technically make other methods possible, but expensive. Elves have a gestation period of ~12 months from the time of conception, longer than a human's. Elves rarely produce twins, and when it does occur, in ages past it was considered a cause for celebration, and triplets garnered (and still do gather) ten-fold even that level of adoration, Elves all over the galaxy often hearing news of such events.
Unfortunately however, the act of giving birth to triplets is such a terrible strain on the average Elven woman's body that she would typically die in the process. Only with technological advancements in the last 50 years or so have the survival rates risen above even just 75%.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves since time immemorial have been documented to live through dozens of human generations while not appearing to age hardly at all, being outlived only on average by Primary Keerim who have the benefit of widespread genetic engineering on their side.
An Elf is considered a child from the time of birth up until they reach the start of adolescence at ~14 for women and ~16 for men. During adolescence, Elves experience rapid growth and behavioral changes preparing them for adulthood, which begins at ~24 years of age. Part of the development cycle of Elves involves the continuous development of the brain even up until 100 years of age, when Elven society beleives adolescents finally enter 'true adulthood,' as opposed to 'legal adulthood' which was commonly adopted at ~24 after the formation of the Yarmorian Imperial Union. The healthy adulthood of an Elf lasts for an incredibly long time, their physicality remaining in relative peak condition even until their mid-to-late 300's. Reproduction however only remains possible between the ages of ~16 up until ~180 - 220 years, though having children before 'true adulthood' is often frowed upon by other Elves. Proper middle-age is a foreign concept to Elves, but old age finally begins to take hold in the mid 300's where even still the aging process is graceful, denoting the process of physical preformance breaking down as they settle into their 400's. In Even society, elderly age is considered to begin around ~450 years old and accompanies a progressive breaking down of most functions over time. Depending on lifestyle factors, genetics, and access to healthcare, an Elf can expect to live anywhere between 500 - 600 years old on average, though making it to the mid 700's is not completely unprecidented. The current record for oldest ever Elf goes to one Aeteri Ail'Ithen who reached a breathtaking age of 896 years and 200 days.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Aures Acuminatis
550 years
Average Height
5'10" | 5'9" (F) | 5'11" (M)
Average Weight
100 - 150 lbs
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