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The Keerim are one of the oldest and wisest intelligent species in the known galaxy, famous as the most arrogant race by most other people’s standards. A typical member of this species is highly traditional and resistant to drastic change, intelligent beyond the normal capabilities of most other races, and naturally inclined to perfect the sociological and biological sciences. Comparatively very early on in the Keerim’s history, they engineered what they believe is the perfect specimen of their own species, and superior to that of any other. This means that all Keerim are bio-engineered to perfection and have almost no physical imperfections or vulnerabilities to disease. The Keerim homeworld of Fraknyr Isatr is a visually stunning world filled with colorful grand mesas and canyons across the equatorial regions. The Keerim’s natural distrust has led them to forbid any and all access to their sacred planet’s surface by the ‘xeno scum,’ and force all diplomatic envoys to make contact on their main orbital station. Fraknyr Isatr orbits a quaternary star system bearing the same name; Fraknyr Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Fraknyr Alpha and Beta are both F-Class stars which orbit each other around a central point, where Fraknyr Gamma and Delta are smaller M-Class red dwarves who orbit Alpha and Beta respectively.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Keerim reproduce strictly under the supervision of the Imperial Bureau of Reproduction, which is overseen directly by the Empress and her inner circle. Two (or more) aspiring parents will generally submit a Birthing Application to the bureau alongside genetic samples, which will be tested for 'purity'. If a given set of genetic material is deemed too corrupted or impure, the bureau will reject the parent's Birthing Application and they will be permanently barred from reproduction for a period of ~40 years, at which point the application may be appealed.
If the sample genetic material is deemed pure or is able to be easily engineered to be as such, the Birthing Application will be approved and the parents can continue to the next step.

The parents may now submit the necessary genetic material, which will be placed in an artificial womb and begin the engineering process to remove any defects or genetic afflictions, and grant the child increased intelligence, physical fitness, and immunity to most common diseases. To a degree, a lot of variation is left behind so as to not accidentally sterilize the entire Keerim population.
At this point in the process of reproduction, parents who are in the Imperium's good graces or who have the necessary funds may alter the child to be a different sub-species, meaning that Secondary Keerim can produce a Tertiary Keerim, and so forth. This process is not guaranteed however, depending on the parent's genetics. Primary Keerim are notorious for being difficult to produce from their Tertiary and Secondary counterparts.

After gestating in the genetic facility for about 10 months, the child will be 'born' along with any siblings that the parents wished to create at the same time and the other Keerim children engineered in that specific batch of whatever facility they were submitted to. In the rare case that a child still emerges with defects, it will be disposed of promptly by the Bureau of Reproduction authorities.
Otherwise, the children undergo rigerous examinations by medical professionals, those who embody the 'ideal' member of their species earning special treatment and potentially rewards for their parents from the government. Tertiary Keerim newborns are usually then sent to learn in a communal facility, while Secondary and Primary Keerim may return home to be raised by their parents or any other possible circumstance.

Most other alien species find the Keerim's method of reproduction unrivaled in its cold-hearted and clinical nature. In particular, the act of 'disposing of' percieved 'impure' children after they are born is widely regarded as disgraceful in all senses of the word. But regardless of the moral implications, the Keerim have been using this method for centuries and have one of the largest and most intelligent populations in the galaxy to show for it.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Perhaps the most unique aspect about the Keerim is their natural ability to communicate telepathically- a phenomenon which is still scarcely understood by the medical experts of other species. The basic functions of Keerim telepathy are widely known; It allows most obviously the ability to communicate inside someone's mind, even if the target themselves don't have telepathic abilities. Most Keerim can use telepathy to convey basic concepts, emotions, and words a short distance away from themselves, but unique to a few lucky members mostly of the Primary Keerim is the ability to communicate images and memories at increased rates with perhaps dozens of people at once across relatively large areas.
The limits of this extraordinary ability are unknown to the galaxy at large, but an educated theory concludes that Supreme Empress Y'Sarkee Koriik has by far the most powerful version of telepathy within the Keerim race, even restricting herself to ONLY speak using Traditional T'Kiran, a language which can only be spoken fluently through telepathy.
Scientific Name
Pluma Lucens
350 Years
Average Height
6' | 6'2" (F) | 5'10" (M)
Average Weight
120 - 180 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Keerim feathers come in essentially any concievable color; Primary Keerim tending to have brighter and more oppulent hues. Dying one's feathers is seen as extreme heresy in the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium; believed to be a violation of the natural Keerim appearance, or sometimes an attempt to hide one's percieved defects.

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