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T'Kiri Sacred Imperium


The T’Kiri Sacred Imperium was founded millenia ago on the principle that only a chosen few were worthy to lead the superior Keerim race into greatness. The reason it took so long to consider interstellar travel is that they spent the many hundreds of years prior erasing all ethnic, political, racial, and religious dissent. By the year 25 BGE, the entire Keerim race was subjugated and made to believe that Supreme Empress Y’Sarkee Koriik was a direct descendant and liaison for their deity Kreemak. Following very shortly after this final unification began the T'Kiri Wars of Expansion, during which several races were eradicated whether on purpose or from pure negligence. One of these races, however, was the Kenjodan, who very annoyingly for the Keerim did not surrender and went on to form the largest opposition to T'Kiri operations.


In addition to usual armaments, the Empress has personally overseen the construction of 9 ornate and highly expensive dreadnoughts dubbed the Arbiters. Each ship holds a name such as ‘Arbiter of Light’ or ‘Arbiter of Justice.’ This has somewhat diminished the overall fleet size of the T’Kiri Sacred Imperium, but the Empress’ decision to go for quality over quantity has successfully served its main purpose to intimidate any potential threats.

Technological Level

Even before biological engineering was commonplace on Fraknyr Isatr, Keerim were already a fiercely cunning and intelligent species. In modern times, thanks to the previously mentioned engineering, their intelligence is heightened even further depending on state regulations. This, along with the government structure, leads Imperium research to be some of the fastest in the galaxy and can make breakthroughs at an astonishing pace. However, due to the state-run nature and lack of personal agency, it is easy to get stuck into dead-ends of technology or unknowingly ignore certain areas of study.

Foreign Relations

Supreme Empress Y’Sarkee operates a strict foreign policy with other stellar nations. The Imperium has made it clear over time that they are not afraid to enforce their version of justice against the inferior xeno races. Anything perceived as a possible insult to their race or especially the Empress will quickly result in some form of engagement unless a skilled mediator (such as the Obveni) can convince the Imperium that the offense was not meant as an insult.

Cultural Observances

This section includes some known customs of Keerim society not specifically outlined in the three prime mandates, most of which have some basis in the Church of Kreemak. The majority of this information comes from first-hand accounts of Keerim defectors. The most prominent information sources from 'Empire of Tyranny,' a memoir published by Sirki Tevulis who is known as one of the few examples of a Keerim noble switching their alligences.   Inter-Keerim Interaction:
  • When speaking to an elder, you should do so respectfully and formally.
  • Tertiary Keerim must speak in the formal tense to all Secondary and Primary Keerim.
  • Secondary Keerim must speak in the formal tense to all Primary Keerim.
  • Those of pure genetics are generally granted more respect than others. They can expect to recieve discounts, special treatment, and special privelege in most public establishments.
  • The Empress must always be spoken of in high regard. Her name must not be spoken lightly, and the weight of her titles recognized at all times.
  • Nobles and Primary Keerim may be openly criticized, in the interests of continuing to form a more perfect Imperium. The Empress and the High Priests however are only subject to criticism from their direct subordinates.
  •   Clothing and Style:
  • Tertiary Keerim are not permitted to wear civilian clothes until granted retirement priveleges in due process of their career. They must wear their casual dress uniform at all times, and at any organized event they must wear their formal dress uniform. Soldiers issued power armor may consider their armor a type of formal dress uniform.
  • Secondary Keerim are granted full rights to wear whatever they please, while respecting common decency. However, clothes bearing xeno symbology or of clear and provable xeno manufacture are not permitted. Secondary Keerim must wear formal attire at any event organized by a Noble, High Priest, or equivelent position.
  • Primary Keerim are generally permitted to wear whatever they please, but have an expectation to set an example for the lower sub-species of Keerim. Bright, vibrant, and shiny metallic colors are encouraged. Ceremonial armor is also encouraged, but wearing it is up to individual discretion unless they are to appear in front of xeno species, in which case wearing at least some piece of ceremonial armor is mandatory.
  • In accordance with the Mandate of Perfection, the act of dying one's feathers, or covering one's face (with the caveat that some environments require face coverings for survival) is blasphemy. The only exception is Primary Keerim, which may paint their beak and/or feet and talons with brighter or reflective versions of the color already present. They may not however paint it a completely different color from what already was there.
  •   Military and Self-Defense:
  • Tertiary Keerim are the ones burdened with and specially selected and designed for combat with xeno races. Secondary Keerim should only take upon themselves the act of disposing of a xeno in self-defense or at the specific order of a superior. Primary Keerim are expected to be leaders, officers, and decision makers, not soldiers, and should defend themselves and their nation accordingly.
  • Tertiary Keerim are generally expected to carry blades and firearms at most times until retirement in the normal course of their career. Secondary Keerim should not carry weapons of any kind unless granted permission by a superior. Primary Keerim may carry any weapon at any time, at their discretion, save for weapons of mass destruction.
  • Any Keerim is permitted to defend themself in the event their life is in danger. This extends to killing any other kind of Keerim if necessary. No Keerim shall intentionally, or through inaction, harm another Keerim, and so the aggressor, regardles of sub-species, has forsaken Kreemak's blessing, allowing the victim to take lethal force. Any Keerim that forsakes Kreemak's blessing is no longer protected by law, including soldiers that disobey the orders of their superiors.
  •   Interaction with Xenos:
  • In accordance with the Mandate of Justice, no Keerim shall treat a xeno as an equal. Keerim found guilty of collaborating with xenos are to be sentenced to re-education.
  • Any sighting of a xeno within the borders of the Imperium, and whom is not clearly marked as a slave or specially granted access by a superior, must be reported immediately. Any Keerim who willingly hides or refuses to confess knowledge of xeno wherabouts are to be sentenced to re-education.
  • Should a xeno threaten the life or property of a Keerim, lethal force is authorized to be used by any Keerim sub-species.
  •   Travel and Personal Freedoms:
  • All Secondary and Primary Keerim are permitted to travel within the Imperium at their personal discretion, so long as restricted areas are avoided. Tertiary Keerim are only allowed to travel during leave or under specific orders to do so.
  • All Secondary Keerim, Primary Keerim, and Tertiary Keerim granted retirement priveleges, are free to pursue careers of their choosing unless ordered otherwise by a superior.
  • All Secondary and Tertiary Keerim are permitted to marry or enter into a relationship with each other, so long as said relationships remain monogomous and heterosexual. Primary Keerim are to be held to a higher standard, and their parents will ordain their children's marriage. If the Primary Keerim's parents are not also Primary Keerim, the marriage will be organized by the State.
  • Homosexual relationships, or any relationship straying from Kreemak's intended design, are blasphemy. However homosexual relationships among females are often ignored or given far more mild punishments than those among males.
  • Any deviation from Kreemak's law of strict male and female design is blasphemy. Gender identity is absolutely dependent on biological gender.
  • "Imperatrix Ad Nos Resurgemus" -For the Empress, We Rise

    Founding Date
    835 BGE
    Geopolitical, Theocracy
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Monarchy, Theocratic
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
    Official State Religion
    Subsidiary Organizations


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