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Y'Sarkee Koriik

Her Supreme Excellency Y'Sarkee Korrik, First Born and First Chosen of Kreemak the Almighty, Sovreign of the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium and all of its constituent realms, Empress, Head of the Church of Kreemak and Defender of the Faith and its Servants, The Undying One, is the first and only monarch of the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium since its original founding. Her origins from the perspective of other intelligent species is a complete mystery lost to time, but to her subjects, her place in the universe was ordained by the Gods themselves.
To outside scholars she is believed to have been born some time around 2000 BGE, which would make her 2,164 years old at the time of writing. With such little accurate information available during that time of Keerim history, intellectuals are left only to speculate with educated assumptions. As for how Y'Sarkee Koriik managed to become biologically immortal at a time where life extension technology on Fraknyr Isatr was still in its infancy, has no clear answer. Some speculate that other aliens may have been involved, while others think she discovered a secret life extension treatment and kept it a secret from her realm.
Her Supreme Excellency rarely strays from The Indomitable Palace, and has resided there ever since its construction. Her political practices are specifically structured to every minute detail, and though she has 'advisors', if they were to openly oppose the Empress it would be to go against divinity. She almost exclusively converses telepathically using the Traditional T'Kiran language, meaning that the amount of outsiders that have heard her voice is pretty much 0.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
2000 BGE 2164 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brilliant gold pigments, punctuated by stunning patterns of purple and green.
Aligned Organization


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