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The Kenjodan may appear to be small, cute, cuddly creatures, but they would have you think otherwise. This particular race is made up of quick learners who can easily learn from the past mistakes of others without having to repeat them themselves. Kenjodan however are naturally diverse in theaters of thought, meaning it can be hard to tell the exact mindset of a Kenjodan upon first meeting them. Coupled with their small stature, it can be easy to misunderstand or underestimate a Kenjodan. After a tragic war against the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium in 22 BGE- the first major act of conquest by the newly emerging Keerim nation- the Kenjodan homeworld of Orassia was nearly destroyed, and all native Kenjodan were forcibly removed into cargo ships made from scrap. It was as if the Kenjodan were only trash to the Keerim. The Kenjodan eventually created a new home planet out of metal and titanium: Fevaria Station, in orbit of a red dwarf named Fevnor.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most other mammalian species, Kenjodan reproduce heterosexually via male and female members of the species, excluding some advanced genetic tools developed in recent centuries that technically make other methods possible, but expensive. Kenjodan have a gestation period of ~8 months from the time of conception, slightly shorter than a human's. Though Kenjodan are not born in litters, twins and even triplets are somewhat more common of an occurance than in human families.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life of a Kenjodan is spent in relative health and youth for a significant amount of time, easily outliving most Vesk, Humans, and Saathids, and sharing a similar aging rate to that of Halflings. A Kenjodan is considered a child from the time of birth up until they reach the start of adolescence at ~13 for women and ~14 for men. During adolescence, Kenjodan experience rapid growth and behavioral changes preparing them for adulthood, which begins at ~20 years of age. In practice however, they may continue to experience refined mental development up until their early 30's which for older members of the species is usually where the line between 'young' and 'adult' is drawn, though cultural tendencies play a significant part in this.
The healthy adulthood of a Kenjodan lasts quite a long time, as their bodies remain relatively stable and self-sustaining and reproduction remains possible between the ages of ~15 up until ~80 - 90 years. Cultural factors have a part to play however once again; Since the formation of the Republic of Fevaria the average Kenjodan parents are expected to have children before the start of their 60's, and earlier if possible. Upper middle age however begins to take hold in the mid 80's and early 90's, where slight graying of fur will typically increase dramatically and physical preformance begins to break down.
In Kenjodan society, elderly age is considered to begin around ~120 years old and accompanies a progressive breaking down of most functions over time. Depending on lifestyle factors, genetics, and access to healthcare, a Kenjodan can expect to live anywhere between 130 - 180 years old on average, with the record for oldest ever Kenjodan going to one Jaani K'zan who reached an astonishing 237 years and 46 days.

Ecology and Habitats

Kenjodan evolved as a small predatory species in the multicolored grasslands and sparse forests of Orassia, their smaller size and incredible agility making it easier to both hide in tall grass and use trees and tall rock formations to their advantage. Orassia is a fairly dry planet with only a handful of seas on its surface, making Kenjodan's bodies more adapted to conserving water.
After Orassia was conquered by the T'Kiri Sacred Imperium, the natural adaptations of being born there became slowly muted over time especially considering massive population centers like Fevaria Station have essentially no natural environment to speak of. Beyond all else, though, Kenjodan are survivors and will be stubborn enough to adapt to almost every climate imaginable.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kenjodan are predominantly carnivorous, but do in fact eat some plant-based foods, particularly berries and fruit. Their cultural cuisine is dominated by a multitude of different meat dishes usually cooked somewhat rare, as well as extravagent fruit displays and meals centered around fruit fillings- many recipes even combine meat and fruit into delightfully sweet-and-savory meals, vaguely reminiscent of the famous honey-ham of Tirer.
Vegetables however are very much not a staple food in Fevaria, and although still eaten on occassion, the Kenjodan digestive system cannot break these down as well as other foods and so most vegetables (especially leafy greens) have less nutritional value.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kenjodan tend to place emphasis on the letters K, M, B, and Z for the start of their names. U and O also commonly appear in the middle of Kenjodan names, as well as Repeating consonants, especially 'nn', 'uu', 'aa', and 'oo'. The ends of Kenjodan names also have more emphasis on '-ai' '-i' or '-y'. Kenjodan, as a generalization, are not particularly adherent to any traditions and will often simply choose names that do not follow any of the previously stated norms.

Major Organizations

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Typical retirement age for a Kenjodan is 120 years, and although it is observed less so in modern times, a retired Kenjodan in the past would usually pursue a focus on art and philosophy for their remaining years, and undertake a small journey of self-reflection.
Scientific Name
Parva Vulpes
150 Years
Average Height
3'3" | 3'2" (F) | 3'4" (M)
Average Weight
25 - 40 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kenjodan have extremely varied fur pigmentations, but most commonly follow shades of orange, brown, grey, and white. Since their early history, dying fur has been a cosmetic accessory and many Kenjodan nowadays dye some of their fur. It is somewhat difficult to dye all of their fur however, and would require a lot of dye.


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