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The Church of Kreemak

The Church of Kreemak- a highly totalitarian organization intertwined with the very fabric of T'Kiri government and culture. Its head priestess Y'Sarkee Koriik is the physical manifestation of Kreemak's power on the mortal plane, according to Keerim mythology. The origins of the church are not known to outside scholars, though heavy investigating from our team at GMNN reveals that its origins are also not widely known within the Imperium itself either. Speculation is a part of it, but many experts believe the church hid all records of its origins because the very concept that there was a time before the church is blasphemy. The concept that Keerim were not united, and not following Kreemak, is dangerous for the public to know, and so they keep it secret.


The Church of Kreemak is heavily centralized, all around one person- the Supreme Empress. Her power is absolute in deciding the tenets of the fate, interpretations of the divine, and punishments for heretics and disruptors of the faith. Underneath the Empress, a series of Lords act as both governors and high priests for their constituent realms, answering completely to the Empress but often having near-total power over their sectors in their own right.

Mythology & Lore

The mythological origins of the faith are held at the heart of T'Kiri beliefs, a blueprint for the universe and how to act within it. As taught largely by Keerim defectors, our modern understanding of this mythos is perhaps biased or lacking in some details. But with the Imperium refusing to teach its faith to other nations, sources are limited.   Birth of Kreemak
At the heart of existence, billions of years ago, existed the Heart of Light. A solitary bastion of substance, of order, in the infinite sea of blackness and nothing. Darkness ruled everything in existence, at a point in time where the passage of said time was meaningless; Chaos ruled and evil forces were hell-bent on maintaining the Universe's status as an unbounded maelstrom of darkness. Until Kreemak manifested himself seemingly spontaneously, transforming the lone singularity into a rapid expansion of natural forces, of light, into the darkness in order to chase it back. Kreemak had begun his crusade to bring beauty and purpose to the universe.   Our modern understanding of the origins of the universe poetically lines up with the major themes inside the T'Kiri creation myth. The idea of a singularity, spontaneously and rapidly creating something out of nothing, seems consistent with their belief and the tenets of astrophysics.   Birth of Ilkir
Darkness manifested into a force of pure evil to resist Kreemak's crusade. Ilkir was its name, and it sought to fill Kreemak's creation with blemishes and tracts of vast, empty void. Through their eternal battle, Kreemak's power naturally protected itself among the first stars, concentrations of his influence, and in the planets around them. Here, Kreemak could enforce his divine laws, his vast plan that governs the heart of all physics in the universe, and eventually life itself. The stars created new forces such as gravity, and new elements bound to their creator's whim. All of these universal principles were Kreemak's vestiges of power, resisting against Ilkir.   Ilkir on the other hand took advantage of the regions where Kreemak's power waned. Dark energy and dark matter sought to tear the universe into segments, forcing Kreemak to create galaxies where stars could hold together amongst each other and resist Ilkir's power. Black Hole's, a wicked creation of Ilkir, utilized Kreemak's own power to return large concentrations of matter to darkness. The struggle between the two raged for billions of years, until evolving into a new battle.   Creation of Life
A spark. A spark was created at the hand of Kreemak. A perspective to bear witness to his beautiful creation, to live amongst his divine laws and eventually harness them. This was his genius in creating life, a subject governed by his new plan, evolution, to eventually aid him in defeating Ilkir. Kreemak created his first Archons to aid him as lieutenants in the eternal struggle.
The first was Vekatril, Archon of Stars. She existed to usher in the creation of new stars, stars capable of lighting his creation and facilitating the creation of life on the new worlds around them. She controlled the force of gravity, and all objects bound by it's- Kreemak's- power.
The second was Territur, Archon of Worlds. Her domain governed the geological forces of all planets, and the fundamental elements that comprised them. She created the element Gold, in the image of Kreemak, for his creations to wear and champion his will.
The third was Ashilari, Archon of Life. She governed the plants, animals, and early lifeforms to guide the very best of them into sentience. Her influence, at Kreemak's direction, created the Keerim, the perfect specimen of creation. All archons since her birth took the form of the Keerim, the pinnacle form of physical existence.
The fourth and last was Jesterkai, Archon of Law. Her power ensured all other Archons worked within the limits of Kreemak's divine plan, that all objects in creation adhered to his laws. Her domain expanded in time to honor and justice, being the arbiter of warfare and divine punishment from Kreemak.   The four sisters aligned with him, Kreemak began pushing Ilkir back into the shadows from whence he came. Over the process of eons, light reigned supreme and stars, planets, moons were created teeming with life. Despite the creations of other inferior lifeforms, antithesis to Kreemak and Ashilari's own creations, Ilkir began to falter. Sensing defeat, Ilkir broke the seal separating existence from the inifite expanse of darkness. The Division occured, banishing most all power of Kreemak from the universe and separating the sisters from their father. Before their sealing however, Ashilari came up with a plan to secure any hope of victory. With Kreemak's blessing, a fifth Archon was created.   The Fifth Archon and the Mandate of Kreemak.
The fifth sister, Y'Sarkee, was created in the image of all the others. Kreemak bestowed her with the power of the Archon of Creation. With said power, she could guide the Keerim into preserving Kreemak's creation and destroying the spawn of Ilkir that now inhabited almost the entire universe. Fraknyr Isatr was to be the temple, the fortress, the staging point from which the Keerim would thrive and destroy the lesser beings of Ilkir's creation. And so Y'Sarkee was sent, asleep, to Fraknyr Isatr. The garden of Kreemak's creation, now the cradle of Y'Sarkee Koriik. She lay waiting for the opportune moment to emerge.   Y'Sarkee's Crusade
After her emergence, Y'Sarkee Koriik enlightened the Keerim of Fraknyr Isatr and taught them of their ultimate destiny. Her guidance allowed them to destroy all other inferior races on the planet and secure it for themselves. The T'Kiri Imperium expanded from then on out, with the backing of Kreemak and the now five sisters, its destiny would be to control all of creation.   Black holes naturally consume all other matter, due to Ilkir's trickery. After the Division, the universe would eventually be doomed to fall to these forces of darkness, and Kreemak's crusade would be defeated. But Y'Sarkee Koriik had a new purpose: The Keerim, the pinnacle of creation, would be the ones to restore Kreemak's power. With their knowledge of harnessing Kreemak's laws, and his creations, they would one day be able to restore order to the universe, and one day be able to destroy even black holes. And so Y'Sarkee's crusade continues ever onward.

Tenets of Faith

The First Mandate - Mandate of Veneration

All Keerim, and all inferior beings who wish to understand the transgression of their existence, shall honor and venerate the almighty Kreemak. Kreemak's will on the mortal plane is placed within Y'Sarkee Koriik, the 5th Sister and 5th Archon. Her word is of her father. Worship of her is worship of her father and sisters. Loyalty to the 5th Archon is worship of her. To be loyal to the 5th sister, and to follow her word, is to be loyal to her sisters and her father.  

The Second Mandate - Mandate of Perfection

Only Keerim are deserving of Kreemak's gifts and attention. All Keerim should uphold the perfect design of the father and the 3rd sister. The 5th Sister is within her power to perfect the design which has been corrupted by Ilkir's influence, harnessing Kreemak's natural laws to rebuild all Keerim into their ideal forms. Those who stray from the design are no better than the inferior spawn of Ilkir. Disposal of inferior Keerim is of paramount importance, to stave off the impure from society. To hide one's true form after birth is to laugh in the face of Kreemak and the sisters. Keerim shall not modify their form, in the same way Inferiors shall not hide theirs. Inferiors who reconize their true form, and the nature of their existence, may confess to Kreemak and earn his limited respect. Inferiors who surrender at the hands of the Keerim are confessing their inferiority.  

The Third Mandate - Mandate of Justice

All Keerim must stand ready to embark upon, or serve towards Y'Sarkee's crusade. Any and all means by which the destruction and subjugation of the Inferiors is to be achieved, should be utilized. Under no circumstance may an Inferior be treated as an equal. To embolden the spawn of Ilkir is to invite catastrophe. Inferiors are deserving of no mercy. To engage in conversation with an Inferior should only be done as a means towards achieving victory over them. Slaughter by the blade is the most pious way to dispose of Inferiors. The blade carries Kreemak's will, and is his tool on the battlefield. Other means of slaughter are invited, but do not have the same importance.
Founding Date
~1900 BGE
Ruling Organization
Permeated Organizations


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