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No Name Frog

This is a cafe run by Bronwyn Ironshelf. The party ate lunch here and met Bronwyn for the first time on 04-17-102 PH. Rakia and Alma stayed here the night of 04-20-102 PH and they were attacked by leuthasi and thrall ogres. The cafe was damaged enough that it was unsafe to open for business.

Party learns on 05-01-102 PH that Bronwyn has returned to town and is working on repairing the cafe.


A simple two-story structure of wood with a large eating area and kitchen downstairs with a small apartment for Bronwyn upstairs. There is also a small root cellar with a bulkhead door for service deliveries.


Ogres beat on the support timbers in the early hours of 04-21-102 PH and did enough structural damage that the roof is now sagging. It can likely be repaired, but at present, it is unsafe for use.
04-21-102 PH
Cafe / Tearoom
Parent Location

Articles under No Name Frog


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