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Troll Fjord

Walled fortress situated on an island in the River Eamon.


89% human, mostly east coasters, but a few sea folk and west coasters; 5% dwarven; 5% halfling, gnome, half-elf; 1% all else--tiefling, dragonborn, half-orc, elf.


Part of the Advent Hegemony, it is the Hegemon State. It is a Militant Monarchy with the Pangborn family ruling. The current ruler is Angus Pangborn. He has two brothers; Bron who is the commander of the City Watch and Cael who is the ruling Teche at the Temple of Fortitude.

In the first part of April 102 PH, the Pangborn family is absent. A cohort vote by the ruling members of the merchant class voted in a new ruling body to replace Angus as the Ba'al, Cael as leader of the Temple of Fortitude, and Bron as the commander of the military.

This ruling vote took place on May 10, 102 PH with a staving to officially recognize the new officers on St. Ravehd's Day, May 24, 102 PH. Zadina Powers will be Lord Steward with a white staff to denote his office. Elinda Bannon will be the Judiciar and the Coroner of the Verge (an area of a 15-mile radius around Troll Fjord). Semerion will rule the Board of the Green Cloth. Clinton Gorvey will be the commander of the city guard and watch.


It is a walled city on an island with the River Eamon flowing past it to the north and south. It has a gate to the north, south, and east called the Stone Gate, Wood Gate, and River Gate, respectively. It is patrolled by a disciplined city military.

Industry & Trade

Their main exports are iron goods, glass wares, and lumber. They also receive a lot of iron ore and wool from the north, in addition to milling grain for those south of the city. Situated on the Coastal Trail and within one day of the sea, they have active commerce.


The island has been reinforced over the debris of an earthquake and developing river channels. There is a thriving mill that does lumber and grist work, along with a thriving iron and glass works that take advantage of the cooling water to produce superior goods. Due to the under canals, the city is fairly clean, but damp most of the time due to the river and spray from the falls. It ships a fair amount of goods to the north and south as it located on the Coastal Trail.

Guilds and Factions

The Parliament is an unorthodox group of sages and learned peoples that pursue knowledge. They have an active membership in the city. There are the Ebon Blades, a local thieves guild. Many shipping costers maintain warehouses in the city to store goods. The Temple of Fortitude is a bastion of the All-Father faith dedicated to the Tempest Domain that provides the actual ruling of the city.


Troll Fjord came into existence in 28 PH under the rule of Adare Pangborn after the destruction of Oak Tree Fjord by an earthquake. The island was rebuilt and the Pangborn family moved the ruling seat from Hanuman to the newly erected city and called it Troll Fjord to honor Colm Pangborn's sacrifice.
Alternative Name(s)
Oak Tree Fjord, Ravehd’s Plunge
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Fjorders, River-folk
Owning Organization

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