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The Breakwater

A vibrant community along the Coastal Trail just east of the confluence of the North Sister Stream and the Saxe Crystal River. Those two rivers fed out of the Coniston Lake and the Windermere Lake respectively, with Coniston Lake more commonly known as the Lake of Kings and Windermere being Old Common for 'clear water lake'.

Located at the western edge of the Land Between the Lakes, the Breakwater served as the gateway to the Wilderlands. In August of 52 PH the area erupted in flame hot enough to melt stone and turn the populace to ash. Sages dispute the cause of the event, but there are no reports of any exploration into the area resulting in survivors.

The air around The Breakwater is now perpetually grey and caliginous. Reports of strange wailing and howls of an otherworldly unnaturalness coming from the area persist and no sane person will travel through the area.


75% human, 20% demi-human, 5% all else.


Ruled by the Lómárion family, who served as Ba'al for the Advent Hegemony and oversaw a magocratic council of eight wizards; one from each school of magic.


The city was protected by some sort of magical ward. Rather than protect the city, it contained the eruption of flame and focused it on the city. None foresaw that destruction would come from within.

Industry & Trade

They moved most of their goods along the rivers, though there was substantial trade along the Coastal Trail. The land between the lakes was quite fertile and the city moved a lot of foodstuffs, being noted for its cabbages and beets.


The city was a sprawling wonder of open courtyards, clean streets, running water, and hygiene. Engineers kept the rivers clean and moved lots of commerce along the river to the coast and back.


Most of the truth is lost to time, but it is known that during building and expanding the city, engineers uncovered a series of old catacombs from the time of Kings. This discovery in 15 PH led to a surge of arcane knowledge. With the Hellscream War being so recent, most of the populace feared occupation, but the upper class feared thieves. It is not known if this meant pirates, bandits, or the theft of their knowledge. Legend holds that some of their knowledge was stolen and sold to outside sources, who then used the magic against the city. Sages also argue that they grew too bold in their experiments and the destruction was an accident.


The Breakwater sits at the western edge of the Land Between the Lakes, a fertile plain with adequate irrigation from its flanking lakes. Many demi-humans--gnomes, halflings, dwarves, and true elves--traveled through the area to see the human city, with more than a few settling in the area. At the east end of the lakes, the land quickly becomes rugged and the lakes are flanked by a pair of mountains. To the north is Coniston Old Man, while to the south is Ryald Mount.

52 PH

Alternative Name(s)
Breakers, Land Between the Lakes, Loch Land
6,000 to 10,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Lock-landers, Breakers
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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