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Vosper’s Colony

The Colony is a collection of farm states ruled by a republic with a Provost that speaks the will of the republic. The republic is known as The Lustrum. The citizens are loosely assembled in a series of five farming areas with a center hub serving as the town proper where rulers, religion, merchants, and trade dominate.


80% human; 15% halfling, gnome, dwarven, and half-elf; 5% all else.


Republic council of five members called the Lustrum. The provost is of the Artair family, the original rulers of the area, and the Ba'al for the Advent Hegemony.


A stone citadel with towers, catacombs, and underground cistern is positioned in the hub of the colony. This structure existed before the founding of the Colony and is able to hold and house 10,000 folks without issue. A rigid ex-soldier, turned Sheriff, maintains a standing militia of archers and swordsmen, with a wooden watchtower and signal fire tower at each croft.


The main town lies along the Coastal Trail with five outlying farm areas. The central town has around 50% (2500 or so) of the population and during the warmer months, migrant workers double the outlying population to around 5000. There are numerous mills, fruit presses, irrigation streams, and short bridges connecting the crofts. The crofts are known as The Fìf (the common for 'five').


Fruit orchards, beans, corn, and superior archers.


After the Hellscream War, the Colony was founded by one of the Kunger Eight, a dour man named Collan Artair (AR-thur), who ruled with an iron fist. He died from a hunting accident in 21 PH and his son O'Cuinn (Kwinn) Artair took over as Ba'al of the colony, solidifying the military and town around the Citadel, using them to exert unfair taxation on the crofts. The winter of 33 PH was extremely harsh and many of the outlying crofters died from starvation, exposure, and humanoid raids without the aid of the Citadel. Forming a Republic, the people petitioned the Ba'al to enact laws and take steps to protect them. He refused and the people killed him. To appease those who objected to this, they installed the Ba'al's son Kennan, only eleven at the time, as the new Ba'al--figuring they could mold the boy to their designs. Kennan took the reins of Provost and the people founded the Lustrum, a group of five priests elected from the crofts.
Alternative Name(s)
The Colony, The Republic
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Colonist, Republican, Crofter
Owning Organization

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