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Abi-Dalzim creates the Burren

Geological / environmental event

14/7 15:00

After the sacking of Cádiz, Kunger's army, led by Ambrose Rhigaerd, moves north. They are met by an elemental mage and east coast forces.

Abi-Dalzim uses earth magic to open a portal to the elemental plane of dust. This wipes out over half of the Kunger forces as the moisture is sucked from their bodies and they turn to ash. This desiccation also affects the earth and many of those surviving the magic are crushed as the ground folds in on itself. Less than a tenth of the army survives to harass the area through the next year until destroyed at the Verdon Gorge.

Related Location
The Burren
Related timelines & articles
Meter Chronos