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Balron, Dragon King of Cambia

Balron, Dragon King of Cambia

Balron was a Dragon King of Cambia and the father of Darkam, Dragon King of Cambia.

Inheriting the kingdom from his father Karnak Firebane , Balron dealt with criticism of being unfit to rule by several political leaders in Cambia.

This tension resulted in the Cambian Revolutionary War between Balrons forces and the revolutionist forces.

During the war, Balron founded the The Mountaineers to combat the revolutionary forces in the mountain regions. In addition, Balron created both the Red Wing and the Corvus group as counter insurgency units.

The Revolutionary war ended with the destruction of the revolutionist forces and the killing of their leadership. The aftermath was an oppressive rule in Cambia that was later continued by his son Darkam.


Balron, Dragon King of Cambia


Towards Lassyn



Towards Balron, Dragon King of Cambia

626 AC 925 AC 299 years old
Lassyn (spouse)


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