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Karnak Firebane

Karnak Firebane was a dwarf and the first Dragon King of Cambia.

Not much is known about Karnak before 500AC, he is believed to have been born in eastern Cambia in 442AC.

Starting around 506AC, Karnak started to make a name for himself as a dragon hunter, alongside his crew of a dozen other dwarves. His strategy was simple: destroy the nests of the dragons rather than dealing with the dragons themselves. through this strategy he was able to prevent future generations of dragons to cause problems in Cambia.

Aound 520AC, the strategy of destroying nests no longer seemed to work, as the dragons started protecting their eggs, some starving to death in the process. Destroying a nest now meant killing the dragon that protects it. During the next 40 years, Karnak and his following perfected the art of killing dragons, reducing their numbers drastically. He earned the moniker of Firebane,

in 565AC, Karnak extinguished the life of the last known red dragon, becoming a cambian folk hero and ending the Era Of Fire . 8 months later Karnak crowns himself the first Dragon King of Cambia. As a show of power and a reminder to the lives lost during the era of fire, Karnak founded the city of Fireshell and declared it the capitol of Cambia. The throne room of the royal palace is decorated with the bones of every dragon killed during the era of fire.


Karnak Firebane


Towards Torgiel



Towards Karnak Firebane

Date of Birth
Date of Death
442 AC 787 AC 345 years old
Torgiel (spouse)


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