Noelred Dynasty Kolthen

Red Markman, the Wolf of Arlium, the Dragon King of Noelred

This name is a modernized form of McKolthen, which means “Sons of Kolthen.” It is one of the top three, premiere dynastic houses in Aorlis, and it shares many familial crossovers with the other two, the Osricks and Mathurns. Kolthen history traces its way back to Torenth, and their mythic progeniture which includes King Kelthan, and Aragent the Dragon Maid.
This dynasty holds the titles of High King of Arlium, and the King of Noelred, and they have earned the nicknames of the Red Markman, the Wolf of Arlium, and the Dragon King of Noelred. The head of House Kelthan is also the Lay Primate of Noelred, which makes him the head of Church of Noelred, answerable only to the Patriarch. He also holds the title of Chief Warden of the Corlyn River. This family tall, beautiful, and graceful, with eerie amber colored eyes, silver hair, and they are known to be cunning in combat and political dealings, and masters of diplomancy. The Kolthen’s parent house was Thurson, and their cadet houses are Kenwith of Rhenook, Herman of Maedwin, and Gerbald of Barlund. They are the patrons of the Silverhawk Knights, their motto is “All for Noelred,” their family color is royal blue, and their metal is argent. When they use a non-royal, morganitic name, it is Sablestone. The king's seat is in Imraldun, but he keeps townhouses in Tolwyc, Mydia, Ultimo, and Gwyfned, and he has hunting lodges near Moranwynn and Andwyc, and a winter retreat in Beck.  


  • Ancestry—Dragon
  • Ancestry—Faerie
  • Authority Figure.
  • Divine Right
  • Extended Vitality
  • God’s Ear
  • Good Luck
  • Gracefulness
  • Hand of History
  • Heroic Ancestor—Aragent
  • Heroic Ancestor—Eldred Kolthen
  • Heroic Ancestor—Kelthan
  • Heroic Ancestor—Lovan
  • Heroic Ancestor—Thurston
  • Heroic Ancestor—Torenth
  • Immunity—Fire
  • Opportunist
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Patronage—Red Lions Elite
  • Patronage—Silver hawk Knights
  • Patronage—Weapon smiths
  • Regal Presence
  • Resist—Glamour
  • Royal Healing Touch
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Second Sight
  • Social Privilege
  • Disadvantages

  • Arrogant
  • Family Trait—Amber Eyes, Silver Hair, Tall
  • Greedy
  • Overt Sex Drive
  • Philanderer
  • Recurring Madness

    Skill Pool

  • Diplomacy
  • Heraldry
  • Leadership
  • Rhetoric
  • Statecraft


  • Kolthen 871—893
  • Dunkeld I 893—933
  • Donell I 933—936
  • Dunkeld II 936—944
  • Kelthan VI 944—954
  • Gallahan I 954—970
  • Donnell II 970—1002
  • Gallahan II 1002—1036
  • Dunkeld III 1036—1065
  • Kelthan VII 1065—1092
  • Eldorn I 1092—11I
  • Dunkeld IV 11I—1158
  • Eldorn II 1158—1167
  • Donnell 1167—1215
  • Eldred 1215—Ab. 1242
  • Eldorn III 1242—Current


  • Captain Yeoman—Bromley Herman
  • Chamberlain—Alder
  • Court Alchemist—Dominic “The Tall”
  • Court Astrologer—Brandon
  • Court Falconer—Lyonell
  • Court Herald—Pelleus Montmeird
  • Court Jester—Jacques
  • Estate Steward—Ackley
  • Keeper Wardrobe—Bedwyr
  • King's Champion—Kevin Treyer
  • King's Confessor—Bedell
  • King’s Squires—Armond, Lothar, Anton Devery
  • Marshall—Ballard
  • Queen’s Ladies—Edith Kenwith, Eva Herman
  • Small Council—Jean Gerbald, Kevin Trever, Dominic

    Articles under Noelred Dynasty Kolthen


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