Osrick Dynasty

Lord of the Passes, the Griffin Kings, the Long-Haired Kings

One of the three most prestigeous dynastic houses in Aorlis, the Osrick line traces its lineage back to its founder Osrick I, as well as Gregor of Thallium and Torenth. The seated head of their house is the Emperor of Aorlis, the High King of Myddum, the King of Gwyfned, and the Osrick crown prince is traditional the king of the Rhonce. The head of the house is called the Lord of the Passes, the Griffin (or Eagle) King, and their line is often referred to as the Long-Haired Kings. That king is also the Lay Abbot of Saint Blailock's, and the Lord Warden of the East. Physically, the Osricks are often handsome and magnetic, having intense, gray or blue-gray eyes; aquiline noses, resolute mouths, long blond hair, and sword-shaped birthmark above the heart. They speak with a high, clear tone and have a gift for eloquence. More importantly, they command the booming tone of command that is very difficult for others to deny. The Osrick’s parent houses include the Mathurns and Kolthens, their line is the adopted successor of House Tyrell, and their cadet houses include Rufus of Cloudbridge, Lamond of Mulburgh, Imbert of Ellence, Norbert of Killrun, and Palmer of Urgholt. This dynasty is the patron of the Defender Knights. The Osrick’s badge is an eagle collared with a crown, their color is purpure, and their motto is “Gwyfned is my strength.” Alternately, the crown prince’s badge features the eye of St. Blailock. If they choose to use to use a morganatic name, it is Hollywell.  


  • Animal Whisperer
  • Authority Figure
  • Battle Cry
  • Divine Right
  • Eloquence
  • God’s Ear
  • Hand of History
  • Heroic Ancestor—Gregor of Tranth
  • Heroic Ancestor—Osrick I
  • Heroic Ancestor—Torenth
  • Heroic Ancestor—Wollyn
  • Intuitive Mage
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Patronage—Defender Knights
  • Patronage—Gwyfned University
  • Regal Presence
  • Royal Healing Touch
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Second Wind
  • Sense Ghosts
  • Disadvantages

  • Affectation—Long Hair
  • Elitist
  • Menagerie—International
  • Trait—Blond, Blue-Gray Eyes
  • Trait—Sword-shaped birthmark over heart

    Skill Pool

  • Leadership
  • Literacy
  • Rhetoric
  • Silent Reading


  • Osrick I 931—986
  • Dorien I 986—1013
  • Keryl I 1013—1051
  • Tyrell IV 1051—1083
  • Dorien II 1083—1119
  • Tyrell V 1119—1124
  • Bingum I 1124—1161
  • Gregor I 1161—1197
  • Bingum II 1197—1241
  • Dathan I 1241—current

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