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The Land-Between-Rivers

At the northeastern tip of Solisvar is a broad stretch of terrain known as the Land-Between-Rivers, named as such for its position between the Rivers Arienrhod and Ceridwen. The name "Land-Between-Rivers" is a Common-tongue translation of the Elvish word "Lathléannach"; inhabitants of the region typically use the Elvish name while speaking in Elvish and the Common name while speaking in Common.   For more than two millennia, the Land-Between-Rivers has been the homeland of the Lathléar elves. For the first several centuries of their existence, the Lathléar people dwelt in disunited—and often warring—clans. In approximately 1000 YW, the Lathléar clans were united for the first time under the banner of the nation of Olathe, and they have been united ever since. The Land-Between-Rivers is the ancestral home of Olathe, and the nation has always bounded itself by the rivers that define this region; for all intents and purposes, the territory of Olathe starts and ends with the Land-Between-Rivers. Though legally this territory has, since the early days of the the Circle of Nine, fallen under the governance of Solisvar, many of its inhabitants have lived centuries without once thinking of themselves as Solisvarans. Now that Olathe is beginning to reassert its sovereignty, Solisvar's claim to this land is weaker than it has ever been before.

Geography and Climate

The Land-Between-Rivers is bounded by the River Arienrhod at the north and the River Ceridwen at the south. Both rivers are relatively slow-moving, and they open up into into great deltas as they meet the Great Reservoir. At its west side, this land borders the, and its coastline is a jagged edge dotted with inlets and islands. No obvious geographical boundary defines the eastern edge of this region; that border is a political one forged long ago through conflict between the Lathléar clans and the nomadic Axatla elves of the lands to the east. The present eastern boundary of the Land-Between-Rivers is the same as it was when the matter was settled via treaty countless years ago. At this point, the border has been established for so long that most couldn't imagine it being otherwise, despite its seeming arbitrariness.   Low-lying floodplains surround the rivers for miles on each side, creating swathes of territory ideal for agricultural production. Several lakes also dot this region, most of which are close to the coast. Towards the heart of the region are vast tropical forests, home to thousands upon thousands of plant and animal species. This region, thanks to its proximity to the Great Reservoir, has an idyllic climate, always on the gentler side of hot in the summer and downright balmy in the winter; it experiences nowhere near as much heat as other regions that share its latitude. The Land-Between-Rivers is prone to severe rainstorms and flooding throughout the winter. For this reason, structures near to the banks of the rivers or the coast of the Great Reservoir are often a built on supporting structures to keep them out of the reach of surging floodwaters. Similarly, many structures built within the deeper parts of Olathe's tropical forests are built around the tree canopies, intended to provide desirable living space without clear-cutting the forests.


Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Contested By
Approximate Area
150,000 square miles (388,500 sq km)


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