The Halfl-Inn Building / Landmark in Apsyildon | World Anvil

The Halfl-Inn

The Halfl-Inn, run by a halfilng (Wellby Goodbarrel), a half-orc (Krusk), and a half-elf (Penen Meliamne [Oakenwheel]), just inside the gates of T'sactwa on the Orthodox side of the main street.

Purpose / Function

Inn and tavern. Private section in the back for select mage partons. Some sections of the inn reserved for Orthodox or Heretics. Low stress environment, no squabling allowed. The Half owners understand what it's like to be in the middle of two sides, so their very set on keeping the peace in their establishment, and are probably responsible in a large part for the existing harmony in the city.


Mostly wooden.
Alternative Names
The Eighth Inn
Parent Location


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