The Search for a Warlock Plot in Apsyildon | World Anvil

The Search for a Warlock

Lin Azure finds himself in the City of Outcast Mages, Pariah Arcanum, looking for a warlock he made a deal with 6 months ago to let him live if he would help Azure get to the outer planes. Siakatrith Rilik, the Lizard Folk warlock, traveled to T'sactwa and to the tower where his friend used to live, a high elf wizard named Daehorn Greenshard, who it turned out was neighter in the mood nor position to help him, having been threatened and almost kidnapped by a local school turned gang called Aganazzar's Scorchers who wanted his research into the other planes, which Daehorn was known to be an expert in. Daehorn managed to escape by teleporting himself (and one of the kidnappers) to a random plane of existence. Ak Rilik went to his tower, finding signs of a magic battle but none of his friend. Upon visiting again the following day, he was ambushed and abducted by the gang school, being held in their dungeon underneath their academy. Aganazzar's Scorchers is the school turned gang, are on the southern side of the western half of town, in Orthodox.
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