Jackalope Species in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Written by Pookas Kreations

A jackalope is a magical cross-breed between a hare and a pygmy antelope.

Basic Information


In form they have the shape of a common Hare, but the horns of an Pygmy Antelope.

Biological Traits

Jackalopes have short tails, large, powerful rear feet, and run light lightning (60 speed). Usually, tiny in size, they can also be found as small, or rarely medium size if they survive long enough. They are weak creatures, because of their size. Size also helps with their speed and dexterity. They can perform great feats of speed, jumping, endurance, and acrobatics. They would rather flee than fight, using their gift for mimicry to lead predators away from them. They are vicious fighters and are often called the warrior rabbits (they hate this as they are hares, not rabbits). Very territorial, they will attack with little provocation.

Genetics and Reproduction

The kits are born being able to fend for themselves, not living in tunnels or burrows. They often have large litters, which leave after 1-2 months to be by themselves or in small groups of like sexes until they find a mate.

Jackalopes are highly prolific breeders, as their cycles are activated by the various lunar cycles. Usually, mating occurs on the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox. They can mate any time of the year, but the best times are under a full moon and at the Equinoxes. Under a full moon, the litters are smaller, only 1-3 kits, but during an Equinox, it can increase to 6-8 or more.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gestation can last 40 or more days. Weaning can begin around 10 to 23 days. They leave the nest soon after weaning but don’t become mature for 1-2 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Normally plains dwellers, they can also be found in scrublands, light forests, low, mountains. Even in urban settings, and sneak into houses to steal the cooked foods that they crave. They are cunning tricksters and great mimics, they use this to disorient or lure others. Mostly nocturnal, they sleep during the day.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They prefer to eat various herbaceous materials, including grass, young shoots, seeds, herbs, fruits, vegetables, fungi, and flowers. In large numbers, they can decimate plant populations in months. When they need to hide, they will conceal themselves in the grass, under any tall plants or bushes in the area.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live mostly solitarily, in pairs or small families. The families often live fairly near each other, at least close enough to signal each other of predators, but not close enough to encroach on each other's territory.


Jackalopes can rarely be trained, but don't get along well with other pets.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Fur, meat, and antlers.

Facial characteristics

Long narrow face, small nose, and short antlers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Jackalopes can be found almost anywhere except deep forests, deep jungles, or deserts. Preferably grasslands and other open areas, that also have places to hide.

Average Intelligence

Animal intelligence, very cunning and sly.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, lowlight vision, keen senses, tremorsense.

Civilization and Culture


No one knows if it was accidental or on purpose. Some believe that it was one of the Atlantean scientists that created this creature.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Lepus cornutus
10 years.
Conservation Status
They weren't discovered until after the Chaos War‌ , on Animus‌. Later they were discovered on other continents. Jackalopes are good at hiding when they want to, and won't be found if they don't want to be.
Average Height
24 inches
Average Weight
6 lbs
Average Length
24 inches
Average Physique
Slim and wiry.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mostly short brown fur in various shades, often with white and black markings.
Geographic Distribution
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