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Written by Pookas Kreations

The Lycan of Lystra are humanoids with animalistic traits. They were created by the Atlanteans to be their elite army and are the best of the best.

Basic Information


Lycan are humanoids, with canid physiology, created by the Atlantean scientists.

Biological Traits

Lycan are shapeshifters of various types. In humanoid form Lycan can look like any of various races; human, elf, halfling or a combination of them. The most common beast forms are wolf, bear, cat, pig, or primate. Although, other forms are possible.

A rare few are born as normal-appearing animals that can either shift to human or more commonly their lycan form, but rarely both. The True Alpha is born in their Lycan form and can only shift to his human form after a few years of life. Most are born human and shift to their Lycan form at the onset of puberty or adulthood.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most Lycan are carnivorous, although Porcin and Primin are mostly vegetarian and rarely omnivorous. During training Lycan need lots of food to fuel their shifting abilities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lycan society is like the Spartans of Greece. They often train their young side by side with the Mu from the Isle of Mystra. Lycan are raised to believe that they are superior to all other races except the Atlanteans. This was artificially instilled in them by their masters and creators of old, the Atlanteans. They grudgingly treat the Mu as near equals, because they were made to fight in the same army in the past (another Atlantean rule). As a result, they either keep to themselves or become conquerors of nearby societies.

Facial characteristics

In humanoid form, they appear as any one of the chosen race. In the bestial form, they appear as the chosen animal.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lycan are mostly found on Lystra but can be found almost anywhere on Aquatic.

Average Intelligence

Lycan are of average intelligence, they are very good at strategy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have darkvision, keen senses, and scent.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Lycan are often named after objects. Some are named after sounds or other things of beasts and the wilds. Female shifters are more commonly named after things of nature, such as weather.


No Lycan alive remembers what they were before the Atlanteans forced the change on them. They can appear to be of almost any race or a combination of them. Most look human, but others like elves or halflings. In normal day to day life, they stay in their humanoid form, but in times of danger or training, they transform.

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo sapien lycanus
80 years
Average Height
Lycan height depends on the racial base.
Average Weight
Lycan weight depends on the racial base.
Average Physique
Lycan can be slim and willowy, have well-developed muscles or anywhere in-between.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

This also depends on the chosen humanoid and animal form.

Geographic Distribution

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