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Temple of Bel

The Temple was built by the Chosen of Bel religious group. It is dedicated to the God [Bel Mithra.  The building is in the Karakoram Mountain in the Western Atakora Mountain Range of the Atlantia Continent.

Purpose / Function

This building is a combination of a monastery, school, arena, orphanage, and boarding house. They are a teaching temple, for humanoid children and adults, as well as a variety of animals especially bovines of all kinds. [Chosen of Bel both humanoid and bovine, both live and train here. Various types of doctors, husbandmen, and level soldiers learn their trade here too.


This building is three stories, plus a cellar and an attic. The ground floor has a common room at its center and the common areas lining its sides. These areas include a bathroom, latrine, mess hall, kitchen, guest rooms, waiting room, hallways, and hall of petitions. The second floor has classrooms, a library, infirmary, a smaller common room, bedrooms, hallways, den, and the Pater's office. The attic is a storage space. The lowest level includes the cellar, gym, arena, stables, bedrooms, infirmary, and a small messhall.


Many different races can be found here including Human , Atlantean, Atlans, The Travelers, Auroch, and many more.

Contents & Furnishings

The rooms have sparse furnishings and what is there are simple ones.


The building started out as a shrine to [Bel Mithra, but over the years it became a monastery, temple, arena, and school.


This is a very rough building, it is not elegant in any way, but utilitarian. There are no extraneous arches or decorations unless they are dedicated to their Patron. The structure is mostly of stone, but with wood framing on the inside.


The rough terrain of the mountains is their first defense. Some of the Auroch live in the fields surrounding the building are the second. The trained guards is the next.


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